Technicrete Special Products (zipped file)
Concrete Masonry
Masonry: Combining quality and economy
Beany & MaxTech Block: Kerb drainage at its best
Erosion Protection
Armorflex: The engineered solution for simple erosion protection
Armorflex Strip Roads: Protection blocks for the construction of roads and strip roads
Kerbs: the ideal edge restrain
Armorflex HLP: Armorflex HLP allows the natural greening of paved surfaces and forms hard wearing grassed roadways, driveways and parking areas.
Bond Brick: Bondbrick, the traditional paver for economy and durability.
Cobble Bond: A paving block which gives an attractive cobble effect with strong interlock capacity.
Concobble: Concobble, an innovative and exclusive paver.
Conleaf: Conleaf introduces gentle curves into paving, creating attractive patterns and pleasing lines.
Cottage Stone: A modern yet durable aesthetically pleasing paver available in a variety of colours.
Deckwerk: A three dimensional interlocking block paver that has proved to be a superior surfacing in many applications.
Double Bond: A paving block which gives an attractive cobble effect
Double Zig-Zag: Interlocking pavers form a continuous, hard wearing surface overlay;
Escoline: A vertical interlocking block paver that has proved to be a superior surfacing in many applications.
Keystone: Keystone paving derives its unique good looks by combining two distinctive shapes into one unit
Trojan: The Trojan paver is well known for its durability.
Permeable Paving: Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) are increasingly being used to prevent run-off and flooding, and as a method of collecting and cleaning storm water.
Satin Pave: The unique shaped Satin Pave solution. Specifically engineered to meet market demands for an interlocking product that offers a hard wearing industrial surface.
Trojan: The Trojan paver is well known for its durability.
Retaining Walls
Earthform: Giving terraces an attractive and natural support
Florawall: The ideal earth terrace retaining support
Enviro-wall & RocEnviro-wall: The environmental choice
Mining: Pre-Bagged
Prebagged Products: Making the task easier
TSL: A modified Polymer based fibre reinforced thin sprayed liner
TSL – L: A Polymer Latex based fibre reinforced thin sprayed liner
Mining: Support Packs
Composite Pack: Giving you better support where you need it most
Escoline: Escoline®, light duty cost effective erosion control block.
HT 33: An underground revolution
Ventablock: Standing up to the standards of your mine!