South African White Seacatfish (Sea Barbel) Photographs & Pictures

South African White Seacatfish (Sea Barbel) Photographs & Pictures

The White Seacatfish, or White Sea Barbel, is a commonly caught South African saltwater fish species by many shore anglers and is often regarded as a pest, which unfortunately leads many anglers to kill this fish which is really sad... The White Sea Catfish (Sea Barbel) can be difficult to handle so learn how to handle and safely release this fish. Please see images and photo's of the South African White Seacatfish (Sea Barbel) below:

Read more about South Africa's White Sea catfish (Sea Barbel) here...

White Seacatfish (Sea Barbel) White Sea Barbel (Sea catfish)
White Seacatfish caught on a shark bait Small White Seacatfish (Barbel) caught on a 9/0 hook
1kg White Seacatfish (Sea Barbel) safely released White Seacatfish (White Sea barbel)
white Seacatfish caught at kasouga White Sea Barbel RASSPL