Ecclesiastical Literature
Gallo-Roman Saints | British Saints | Irish Saints
Adamnan | Brigit |Columbcille | Columbanus | Patrick
Pelagius | Bishops of Gaul
Miscellaneous | Apocrypha
The Lives of Gallo-Roman Saints
Vita Sancti Martini | Sulpitius Severus: The Life of St. Martin of Tours |
Vita S. Eligius | Dado, bishop of Rouen: Life of St. Eligius |
Gregory of Tours: Life of St. Gall | |
Constantius of Lyons: Life of St. Germanus of Auxerre |
The Lives of the Breton Saints*
Vita S. Briocii | |
Vita S. Cunuali | |
Vita S. Euflami | Life of St Efflam |
Vita I S. Gildae | |
Legenda Sancti Goeznovii | The Legend of St. Goeznovius (excerpt) |
Vita S. Hamonis | |
Vita et miracula S. Lauri | |
Vita I S. Machutis (Malo) | |
Vita II S. Machutis (Malo) | |
Vita III S. Machutis (Malo) | |
Vita S. Maglorii | |
Vita S. Maudeti | |
Vita S. Meuenni | |
Vita S. Pauli Aureliani (auctore Uurmonocus) | Life of St. Paul Aurelianus of Leon by Wrmonoc |
Vita S. Petroci | |
Vita I S. Samsonis | |
Vita I S. Turiaui | |
Vita II S. Turiaui | |
Vita et translatio S. Uenaili (Cwenael) |
The Lives of the Cornish Saints*
Bewnans Ke | Drama of the Life St. Ke |
Bewnans Meryasek | Drama of the Life St. Meriadoc |
The Lives of the Scottish Saints
Vita Sancti Boethi | |
Vita Kentigerni | The Life of St. Kentigern (Jocelyn) |
Vita S. Kentigerni Imperfecta (auctore ignoto) | Fragmentary Life of St. Kentigern |
Vita Magni | Life of St. Magnus |
Life of St. Margaret | |
The Life of St. Ninian (Scots) | |
Vita Niniani | The Life of St. Ninian |
Vita S. Servani | Life of St. Servanus |
Vitae S. Reguli recensio brevior |
Buched Anna | The Life of St. Anna |
Buchedd Catrin | The Life of St. Catherine |
Buchedd Fargred | The Life of St. Margaret |
Buchedd Mair Wyry | The Life of the Virgin Mary |
Buchedd Mair Fadlen | The Life of Mary Magdalen |
Buchedd Mair | The Life of Mary of Egypt |
Buchedd Martha | The Life of St. Martha |
Buchedd Sant Martin | The Life of St. Martin |
Buched Meir a Llyma Vabinogi Iessu Grist | The Life of Mary and the Mabinogi** of Jesus Christ |
Buchedd Samson | The Life of St. Samson |
Works by the Bishops and Saints of Gaul
Eucherius of Lyons: On Contempt for the World | |
Eucherius of Lyons: Letter to Veranus |
Irish Liber Hymnorum
Félire Húi Gormáin | The Martyrology of Gormáin |
Félire Oenguso | The Martyrology of Oengus the Culdee |
Félire Tallaght | The Martyrology of Tallaght |
Kalendarium sanctorum Wallensium |
The Stowe Missal | |
Antiphonarium Benchorense | Antiphonary of Bangor |
British | ||
Excerpta quedam de Libro Dauidis | Excerpt from the Book of St. Dewi | |
Praefatio de poenitentia Gildae adscripta | Preface to the Penitential of St. Gildas the Wise | |
Sinodus Aquilonalis Britaniae | Synod of Northern Britain | |
Sinodus Luci Uictorie | ||
Irish | ||
Canones Adamnani | ||
Canonis de arreis recensio B | ||
Canonis de arreis recensio P | ||
De canibus sinodus sapientium | ||
De disputatione Hibernensis synodi | ||
De iectione eclesie graduum | ||
Paenitentiale Bigotianum | ||
Paenitentiale Cummiani | ||
Sinadus Hibernensis | ||
Synodus dicta secunda Patricii | ||
Synodus Episccaporum (dicta prima Patricii) | ||
Synadus sapientium de decimis | ||
Tres canones Hibernici e codice Cantabrigiensi |
Other Rules
Riagul Cormaic Maic Culendáin | Rule of Cormac mac Cuillenáin |
Cidh as dech do cleiriuch? | Rule of Clerical Life |
Saint Maelruain of Tallaght's Rule of the Celi De | |
<"">Regula Mochuta Rathin | |
The Collection of the Tithe |
Irish | ||
Saltair na Rann | Psalms in Quatrains (cantos 86-124) | |
Prose Saltair na Rann | Prose Saltair na Rann | |
Da brón Flatha Nime (LL verison) | The Two Sorrows of Heaven | |
Impu macán cóic bliadnae | Irish Gospel of Thomas | |
Máire máthair in maic bic | Poem on the Virgin Mary | |
Stair Nicoméid | The Gospel of Nicodemus | |
Tenga Bithnua | The Evernew Tongue | |
Epistolam Saluatoris Nostri | The Epistle of Christ to Abgar | |
Welsh | ||
Ystoria Adaf ac Eua | The Life of Adam and Eve | |
Buched Meir a Llyma Vabinogi Iessu Grist | The Life of Mary and the Mabinogi* of Jesus Christ (pseudo-Matthew) | |
Efengyl Nicodemus | Gospel of Nicodemus | |
Yr Olew Bendigeid | The Holy Oil | |
Buchedd Mair Wyry | Life of the Virgin Mary | |
Ystoria Bilatus | The History of Pontius Pilate | |
Ystoria Iudas | The History of Judas Iscariot | |
Breudwyt Pawl | Dream of St. Paul | |
Ymborth yr Enaid | Food of the Soul | |
* There is a lot of overlap between "British (Welsh)", "Breton", and "Cornish" saints.
** This use of mabinogi is unusual, and very late, probably owing to the loss of understanding the meaning of Mabinogi as a reference to Pryderi or Mabon.