English is a compulsory subject which is differentiated in response to ability level. The subject is taught from a functional level through to A-Level with an aim to develop pupils’ communication skills and increase their command of language through speaking, reading and writing. Each student will study at least three/four hours of English per week in classes of no more than six students.
The AQA Functional English qualification aims to gives students practical skills for the modern world and helps them get the most from life, learning and work.
The AQA GCSE English qualification is also provided for students and encourages them to develop the:
- skills they need to read, understand and analyse a wide range of different texts
- ability to write clearly.
Literacy for students who are not ready to follow a Level 1 course
Our students with SEND are offered at least four hours per week one-to-one and small group literacy lessons. These are taught in a context of coping with real life situations. Students who struggle with learning disabilities are supported to develop in their specific areas of difficulty, with an emphasis on developing independence.
Students may sit the AQA Entry Level course Step Up to English if they are ready to do so.
Student English language GCSE work done in 2023/24: