A fresh SSE wind brought a spectacular easterly movement of wildfowl dominated by flock after flock of Pintails and a final total of 3705 birds. This total smashed the previous record day count which in itself was created earlier this spring with 994 on 21st February. There were plenty of other wildfowl with a notable total of 474 Shovelers (our fourth best spring day total) along with 634 Brent Geese, a Gadwall, 97 Teal, 317 Common Scoters and a Red-breasted Merganser, Also of note were seven Grey Plover, six Golden Plover, 27 Curlew, 12 Sandwich Terns, five Little Gulls, 58 Mediterranean Gulls, 149 Common Gulls, 320 Red-throated Divers, five Fulmars and 600 Gannets. It was very quiet on the land with just two Chiffchaffs and a Firecrest of interest.
Two Porpoises and a Grey Seal were seen offshore.
A Small Tortoiseshell was also seen.