Welcome to The Victor 50th anniversary page. Here you will find an illustrated time-line of The Victor comic. In addition pages from other parts of the site have been added which can be accessed via the buttons below.
A new interview with Roddie Watt who worked on The Victor for a couple of years and then went onto script writing for The Beano as well as other comics has been added to the interviews page. To read the interview click on the microphone button below.
Please access the Victor and Hornet indexes, story reviews, annual, Summer Special, artist, interview, 25th anniversary, history of The Victor and Red Dagger pages via the buttons below.
The Victor Index. |
Victor story reviews. |
The Victor annual page. |
The Victor Summer Special page. |
Hornet story reviews. |
Hornet Index. |
Red Dagger review pages. |
A brief history of the Victor |
Interviews page |
Identify the | The Victor Silver Jubilee issue |
Victor Hornet comic articles |
Text © Adrian Banfield, 2011.