Olicom OC-2335
Fast Ethernet MCA 10/100

OC-2729 Boot PROM Kit for RPL

Linux Drivers
   Sorry folks, but I remember seeing something that Olicom refused to release details to the people that wanted to write drivers for it.

From Jan 98
From Lars Knudsen
Forget Linux, unless you write drivers (without docs/specs!!) yourself. The chip used on the 10/100 card is one of the few _not_ supported by Linux, due to missing documentation. I have conversed with Olicom about the specs but they wont give 'em to me, neither write the driver. .. and the one Linux-committed guy I know about at Olicom just left. 

Olicom 2335 Page at Olicom

oc2335-1.exe Setup Disk Version V01.0
oc2335-3.exe Drivers Version V01.0
oc2335-4.exe Diagnostics Version V01.0 
oc2733.exe Flash RPL Version V1.1

ocaiw.exe AIW Version 4.13
ethdiag.exe Diagnostics Version 1.21
oce3xmp.exe Windows NT NDIS 3.00 miniport Version 1.10 
oce3xmp.exe Windows 95 NDIS 3.00 miniport Version 1.10
oce3odi3.exe Novell 3.x LAN Driver Version 1.07 
oce3odi4.exe Novell 4.x LAN Driver Version 1.05
oc3xnd2.exe  DOS NDIS 2.0 Version 1.06 
oce3xdos.exe DOS ODI Version 1.07
oce3x2n2.exe OS/2 NDIS 2.0 Version 1.06
oce3xos2.exe OS/2 ODI Version 1.04

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