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Tag Archives: EF Benson
There Is A Graveyard That Dwells In Man

Edited by David Tibet
Signed HB (500 copies) £40 / Trade PB £17.99
Posted in Shoppe
Tagged AC Benson, Algernon Blackwood, AM Burrage, Amyas Northcote, anthology, Arthur Machen, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Collette De Curzon, current 93, david tibet, Edith Wharton, Edna W. Underwood, EF Benson, fiction, HD Everett, HR Wakefield, John Gower, LA Lewis, Lady Dilke, LP Hartley, Nugent Barker, Oliver Onions, RH Benson, Richard Middleton, Thomas Ligotti, Walter De La Mare
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