The Month of Upload
June has definitely been the month of uploading things to the site. You'll have noticed brand new equipments items going into the (download.xml)downloads] section every couple of days. While this has been going on, work on the Elements has come to a halt. The main reason for this is that I do most of the Icar stuff on a laptop which only has 256MB of ram in it. To run the new versions of my DTP software, I need 500MB. It's only 60 quid to upgrade it up I really don't have the money at the moment - real life things need paying for. I am still rendering images for it and creating scenes, I just do not have a new document to show for it.
Today, I have started work on a series of renders that show the relative sizes of various bits of kit. Started with the 2.2 projectile round of ammo and working up to the Crowthorne, hopefully, peopl can get a sense of the massive scale of things - particularly when it comes to the space craft. I am also working on a city render involving space craft docked. The number of models in the scene has grown so much that it looks like I need to use my desktop to finish it.
Mini Update I have finished it, it's called the Scale Browser and you can check it is on its own page under 'World'.
I've been recently inspired by Richard Burlew's Order of the Stick strip cartoon. I was reminded of the fun it was to make Mr Newell, Guide to Light and Heavy Firing and Stick Pirate and I am considering doing a few Icar-based strips of my own.
Very simple stick figures probably using Inkscape. I am not sure where I might base the cartoon, so I would be glad to have your opinion!
Finally, thanks to Rob Lang Barrows (of Entalis fame)] for his 3D model submissions. I shall be importing them and rendering them soon!