Great Space Battles
The second book of the series, this is a collaborative effort between Stewart Cowley and Charles Herridge and tells some of the stories of battles and conflicts that occured in the Terran Federation. The book is written from the writers perspective in the 23rd century, ie the main content of the book details the 'Laguna Wars' in 2219AD, all the other stories have this impression. The only exception is 'The Great Rebellion' which does not give a date, but from what I can work out from the text is set in about 2083. Not strong on major characters, some of the stories are almost documentary in the way they are told, however the books are rich in information about how the Terran Federation has grown and presents more on the background of colonised systems and those allied to the Federation.
This book was also available in softback and hardback. I paid about 7 GBP for a hardback copy that was slightly marked on the dust jacket - better quality copies are available for more though.
Book Details
Terran Trade Authority Handbook
Writer and Publisher - Stewart Cowley, Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited
Publish Date - 1979
ISBN Number - 0890092605 (Hardback), 0-600-37288-X (Softback)
Contributing Artists and Number of Images - Peter Elson (16), Angus McKie (11), Jim Burns (5), Tony Roberts (6), Alan Daniels (1), Colin Hay (3), Bob Layzell (2), Fred Gambino (1), Robin Hiddon (1).
All images © S. Attwood / Digital Waterfalls
Book covers are © their respective owners
Images may not be reproduced without permission