Bringing in-depth reporting of crime and corruption in high places |
and a half years in the making, Sir Richard Scott’s long awaited inquiry
report thumped on to the desks of quivering crown ministers last February.
Scott was charged with investigating Britain’s own murky “Iraqgate”.
Amongst other things he reveals how governments daily side-step
domestic democratic controls in pursuit of reckless foreign policy. Also laid bare was the secret UK-USA policy to supply Iraq
with anything that goes “bang” - from tanks, to chemical and nuclear
weapons... even after Saddam invaded Kuwait!
By David Guyatt There
has been nothing like it in British history.
Traditionally one of the most secretive and unaccountable democracies
in the world, Britain’s elite were reported to be quailing in fear
as it realised that Sir Richard Scott was a “loose canon.”
Determined to get to the core of government culpability in
a series of mega-explosive allegations, the independently-minded Sir
Richard Scott laboured under a welter of evidence: 200,000 official
documents, 88 days of oral testimony from scores of government ministers
and their officials, dozens of unidentified operatives from within
the security and intelligence community plus those shadowy businessmen
who’s trade is death. At
stake was the governments’ cynical and hypocritical mishandling of
its ultra-secret weapons exports.
Additional allegations focused on a government led conspiracy
to prejudice the outcome of a criminal prosecution against Churchill
Matrix - a small Iraqi owned, British based and managed armaments
manufacturer. Scott was
also charged with investigating serious charges that the government
had repeatedly “misled” Parliament, lied to the public, and undermined
the 300 year old constitution. By
any reading, Scott upholds all three allegations; adding a few of
his own for good measure. Once
sufficient to bring any accountable government tumbling to its scabbed
knees, the carefully worded report was subjected to acrimonious debate
in Parliament. Bruised,
battered and reeling under incessant Parliamentary and media assault
the government scraped a technical victory and by the slimmest of
partisan votes - 320 against 319 - survived to export another day.
Twenty four hours later, the whole affair - arguably the biggest
political scandal in decades - disappeared as though tossed off the
edge of the planet, stark testimony to the integrity of British journalism. If nothing else this inspiring media event confirmed Dr. Samuel
Johnson’s favourite 16th century homily: Thank God you
cannot bribe or twist, the honest
English journalist, for seeing what he will do, for free, there is
no occasion too.” A
witty and early pre-cursor to Noam Chomsky’s media propaganda model.[1]
their part the media and parliament engaged in a humpty-dumpty spectacle
that had a few Roman elements.
Disingenuously focusing on the permissible by emphasising arguments
about what constitutes “lethality” in relation to defence exports
(non-lethal equipment being permitted under the governments guidelines)
and by adhering to the central charges of Scott, they ensured that,
at worst, one or two crown ministers would be forced to open their
veins in public atonement. Largely
going unreported was the cynical joint US-UK policy to fuel the bitter
Iran-Iraq war, which during eight bloody years consumed over a million
casualties. Also
uncovered in any great degree was Britain’s exports of chemical
weapons, nuclear warhead components and an array of very seriously
lethal items that were knowingly diverted
via third parties - a hygienic device that allows governments ministers
to Vim over their blood-stained hands and hold up their heads in mock
honour as they shamble, vampire-like, towards a well deserved knighthood.
Despite the media’s willing supinity, the Scott report lays
bare the squalid machinations that underpin one of the top weapons
exporters on the planet. Rendered
to a glazed and stupefied public were a dizzying catalogue of cynicism,
duplicity, back-stabbing, dishonesty and fawning foreign policy considerations
that crept, unseen, along the light-free corridors of power.
In other words “Business as usual.” GUN-SLINGING
back-drop to Scott was the secret British and American policy to arm Iraq’s Saddam
Hussein, whilst also carefully regulating weapons supplies to both
combatants to prevent either side “from
winning the war.”[2]
Deceitfully packaged - even to this day - as an honest desire
to bring the conflict to an early halt,[3]
the reality behind weapons exports was more serpentine and a great
deal more cynical. An
extended conflict - eventually lasting eight years - was clearly recognised
as an economic bonus to UK Ltd.[4]
The massive profits derived from weapons exports to both
combatants was the singular “engine” that drove early British
policy and, despite a later shift in emphasis, remained the central
theme. It
was understood by government ministers’ that their promotion of the
armaments manufacturers self interest - purposely fuelling a war then
sitting back growing comfortably richer - would have been repugnant
to the public. For this
reason it was kept secret. Domestic
anxiety over the continuing war led the government to deviously announce
that it would adopt a “neutral, impartial and even-handed” stance
in the conflict. Secure
in the knowledge that it sat atop of a voraciously secret regime,
it cunningly added it would only provide “non-lethal” defence equipment to both combatants.
this moral “add on” went a long way to easing public disquiet.[5]
Secretly however, Ministers “had
agreed that although lethal arms and ammunition would not be supplied
to either side, every opportunity should be taken to exploit Iraq’s
potentialities as a promising market for the sale of defence equipment;
and to this end ‘lethal items’ should be interpreted in the narrowest
possible sense, and the obligations of neutrality as flexibly as possibly.”[6]
covert decision reflected wider geopolitical pressures.
As early as 1981, Britain’s publicly stated position had run
into increasing difficulties.
Unable to reconcile its public posture to the longer-term interests
of its closest allies and business partners, and following severe
behind-the-scenes pressure from the US, and the Gulf states - in particular
Saudi Arabia - the fig-leaf position of neutrality was secretly abandoned
in favour of Iraq. This
change was later outlined in the remarkably frank admission of Alan
Clark (Minister of State for Defence 1989-92) during cross-examination
in the 1992 Matrix Churchill trial.
No longer a member of the government, Clark mischievously revealed
that “the interests of the West were best served by Iran and Iraq fighting each
other, and the longer the better.”[7]
Intentional Western prolongation of the war became de
rigueur. Clark,
right-wing playboy son of Lord Clark, is a respected historian in
his own right, was personally frustrated by what he viewed as government
hypocrisy. Left to his
own devices he would have exported far greater quantities of lethal
materiel to both Iran and Iraq.
Immensely rich, (occasionally resorting to selling an odd masterpiece
or two, to keep the beast from the door - In 1984 it was the turn
of a “Turner” painting sold for £7.4 million) he authored The
Donkeys - paradoxically adapted by Sir Richard Attenborough for
the antiwar movie Oh What a Lovely War. He
is known as an outspoken maverick, as we shall see. However, it is clear from his comments that both combatants
were to be horribly bled, economically and materially, into an endless
stalemate from which it was hoped they would not easily recover: Iran
for its dangerous fundamentalism that threatened “friendly” Gulf oil
states plus some revenge for taking US hostages during Jimmy Carter’s
Presidential watch. Iraq,
the lesser evil empire of the two, because of Saddam Husssein’s recognised
megalomania and expansionist tendencies that threatened Western interests
in the middle east. By
early 1984, the media disseminated widespread reports that Iraq had
used chemical weapons. A
UN report published in March 1994 confirmed the use of WW1 mustard
gas and the far more sinister WW11 Nazi nerve gas Tabun.[8]
Iran too, came in for widespread criticism for its use of young
children as front line infantry soldiers.[9]
Pressed in the House of Commons to confirm that chemical weapons
would not be supplied to either combatant, Geoffrey Pattie (Minister
for Defence Procurement) stated “we do not intend to authorise the supply of any item which might assist
Iran or Iraq to wage chemical warfare during the current conflict.”[10]
The Carefully drafted Parliamentary answer was wide open to
abuse. In particular
the words “intend,” “authorise,”
“assist” and “current conflict”
are noteworthy for their flexibility.
For a public weaned on the concept that “what you mean is what
you say”, the Scott affair has proved to be an eye opening journey
through an Alice in Wonderland world of double-speak and hidden meaning. As we shall see chemical pre-cursors were, in fact, shipped
to Iraq, destined for use in its chemical warfare programme.
So too, were machine tool components vital for Saddam’s much
desired nuclear weapons factories. WHEN
at increasing public distaste for the war in the light of these revelations,
the then Foreign Secretary, Geoffrey Howe, announced in 1985, a strict
set of measures covering weapons exports to Iraq and Iran.
Under bitter discussion for a year or more they would, henceforward
be known as the “Howe Guidelines.” Not worth the paper the ink had
just dried on, they were another shining example of flexible and deceptive
wording. Non-the-less
they were good PR and again stilled public unease.
The guidelines are also a masterful example of careful drafting
and demonstrate that government rarely means what it says… and never
says what it means. By
some convoluted alien logic only understood by Whitehall Mandarins,
their political bosses and senior executives from the armaments industry,
the concept of “lethal” does not stretch to include artillery shells,
Main Battle Tanks, Multiple Rocket Launchers, a truly massive gun-barrel
(supergun) launch sites for Exocet anti-ship missiles, plus a whole
host of other pyrotechnical devices and objects that go “bang.”
“Non-lethal” on the other hand does, it appears, include highly
sophisticated machine tools capable of producing upwards of 500,000
assorted artillery shells annually, as well as special lathes destined
to develop nuclear warheads.
Somewhere between a Dictionary’s heaven and hell is another
Whitehall phrase: “Diversionary Routes.”
When one has an official policy that precludes openly exporting
sensitive “defence equipment” to a “restricted” destination, one doesn’t
actually export it. No
sir. It’s as crystal
clear and as simple as that. Maybe. What
you is cajole or bribe (or both) a friendly smaller nation to act
as a “front.” For a percentage of the cost, they’ll sign the all important
“end user” certificates promising not to on-ship weapons to the proscribed
nation. That they will
ship weapons onward is precisely the point.
This is one reason why Jordan permitted Iraq to finance, build
and staff a large section of its major seaport, Aqaba, from which
an endless supply of western war materiel was trucked across land
to bolster Saddam’s flagging soldiers.
It is also a major reason why Britain “deliberately
encouraged” Jordan to act as an end-user “front” for the sale
of “twenty-nine ARV’s” (Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicles).”[11]
In a classified Security Service (MI5) note dated 26 May 1983,
obtained by Scott, was the disclosure that “In
view of the restrictions imposed on the sale of war material to Iraq
and Iran, Iraq has been using Jordan as an intermediary.”
Noticeably, the vaunted “Howe Guidelines” didn’t include Jordan
as one of the proscribed destinations. Shipped
via Jordan in February 1985 were a number of Chieftain Main Battle
Tank spares for use in captured British made Iranian tanks, earlier
supplied by Her Majesty’s masters of deceit.[12]
Jordan, it turns out, didn’t have any Chieftain tanks.[13]
In July 1985 a supply of NBC (Nuclear, Biological & Chemical)
“packs” for use in MBTs (Main Battle Tanks) were also shipped to Jordan
despite serious reservations from a Ministry of Defence expert, Lt-Colonel
Glazebrook. An honest
man, Glazebrook was naïve enough to believe the existing export “Guidelines”
were meant to be followed. 600
NBC respirators were treated in much the same.
Additional shipments of Chieftain tanks spares, NBC equipment
and other materiel were sanctioned over Lt. Col Glazebrook’s objections.
a thorn in the side, Glazebrook was ultimately side-stepped and a
welter of sensitive “export applications” were approved without his
By August 1990, following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait “40
wagon loads of tank spares and L64 APFS (armour piercing fin-stabilised)
discarding sabot 115mm tank rounds” were approved - following
a lunch between King Hussein of Jordan and Margaret Thatcher, then
Prime Minister. Shipped
aboard the Yugoslavian freighter Tara
bound for Aqaba, the consignment reached Iraq, its real end-user.[15]
Sufficiently worried that Saddam may get hold of some really
useful “kit” to use against allied soldiers, an undisclosed number
of LAW anti tank missiles
forming part of the original Tara
cargo were temporarily withheld.
However, these were given final approval in Autumn 1991, some
months after Desert Storm had turned Iraq into a crater, extinguishing
the lives of tens of thousands of Iraqi troops by dropping air-fuel
explosives on them. These
neat little bombs detonate above ground level spreading a wide vapour
trail that is then ignited.
The result is that oxygen is drawn out of the lungs of those
below in a horrifying gush of combustion.
They are equally effective against troops dug in below ground
as they are against above ground personnel.
Survivability is virtually zero. THE
weapons to the enemy in time of war is not a new phenomenon.
The use by UK Ltd of Jordan to act as a “front” was likewise
reflected in the USA. William
Casey, DCI at the Central Intelligence Agency, saw Jordan as the “perfect
front for covert U.S. operations, whether they involved intelligence-sharing
or arms.”[16]
Fred Haobsh, a Jordanian born US citizen, worked for the CIA
as a contractor and skated around the middle east collecting intelligence
for his employers. It
was dangerous work. Meeting
up with Saddam Hussein’s weapons procurement officer in Jordan, he
received a shopping list of weapons and war materiel needed by Iraq’s
greedy war machine. As
with the UK, these included components for both CBW and nuclear weapons,
particularly “Tungsten carbide cutting heads for computer controlled lathes… blocks
of graphite of particular specifications and dimensions.”[17]
Haobsh returned to the US and met his CIA “handlers” in
a Washington safe house for debriefing.
Happy to work for Uncle Sam he began to worry as the meeting
continued. The intelligence
he had gathered seemed to be of little interest to his handlers.
What they wanted, he concluded was “to
sell weapons to Iraq.”[18]
By February 2 1991, Desert Storms’ air war was in its fourteenth
day. As hundreds of allied
sorties continued to be flown in a round-the-clock air superiority
and bombing campaign, Haobsh returned from a trip to Tunis with an
urgent Iraqi request for a consignment of “Soviet-made
shoulder-operated surface-to-air-missiles (SAMs).”
Both his handlers were keen to help: “Great,
now we’re going to sell Saddam some missiles,” one of them enthused.[19]
Now acutely worried, Haobsh asked for a letter confirming he
was acting on behalf of the CIA, “in case I was prosecuted,” he later revealed.
The request went unfulfilled and Haobsh, now desperately wanting
out, refusing to take any more calls from the cool dudes at Langley
Enterprises Inc. Apart
from Jordan, a number of other end-user nations acting as “fronts”
were able to divert considerable quantities of materiel to Iraq.
A Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS) minute dated 29 November
1984 notes “links between Egypt
and Iraq in the CW field” and goes on to observe that evidence
of those links is “quite conclusive.” No
problemo’s, man! Despite
this obvious intelligence an export licence by ISC Chemicals Ltd.,
to tranship a quantity of hydrogen fluoride (HF) to Egypt (destined
for Iraq) was sanctioned. This
approval followed a visit to Egypt by Trade Minister Tim Renton.[20]
Hydrogen fluoride is a known pre-cursor for the nerve gas Sarin,
which formed one of the ingredients in the “cocktail” of chemicals
dropped on the unsuspecting citizens of Halabja - “a brew of hydrogen
cyanide, tabun, sarin and sulphuric mustard gas.”[21]
Interestingly, UK Ltd has a long and devious involvement with
the Nazi nerve agents, Sarin, Tabun and Soman.
In their book “Rat Lines”, authors Mark Aarons and John Loftus
reveal that following WW11, British agents successfully negotiated
with a Nazi war criminal to obtain the necessary formulae’s of these
gases. Satisfied, they
then aided in the Nazi’s flight from justice - to South America. The war criminal was none other than Dr. Joseph Mengele - Auschwitz’s
notorious “White Angel”, a monster guilty of the most vile medical
experiments in the Hitler’s abominable death-camps. All in a day’s work for the boys who brought a wide-eyed world
such thrilling media extravaganzas as: “Nuremberg Trials R US.” Egyptian
“end-user” certificates were available to anyone prepared to pay $25,000.00
according to oral testimony given Scott by two unnamed intelligence
operatives. Egypt was
also the “opaque” destination of over one million “Proximity” and
“Point Detonating Fuses” produced between November 1986 and July 1987
by the Scottish based munitions manufacturer Allivane International
Ltd. Fuses of this sort
are an obvious and indispensable component of large brass tubes packed
with cordite and other explosive chemicals that are propelled at great
speed out of the nozzles of howitzers.
They are thus, in the jargon, agreeably “non-lethal.”
Naturally. The
fuses ended up in Iraq.”[22] Other
defence equipment including “missile spares,” - camouflaged as “tractor
spares” on the manifest - was freighted aboard a container ship bound,
apparently, for Kuwait but diverted to Iraq.
Saudi Arabia acted in a similar capacity diverting 15,000 rounds
of 155mm ammunition to Iraq as part of another Allivane contract.
Gerald James, former Chairman of the munitions firm, Astra
Holdings, gave evidence to the Inquiry that an additional supply of
artillery ammunition and a large percentage (up to 100) of Black Hawk
Helicopter gunships sold to Saudi Arabia were destined for Iraq.
They formed part of the massive £20 billion Al Yamamah arms
deal negotiated by an exultant Margaret Thatcher - full-time senior
salesman for UK Ltd, one-time, part-time Premier, and now a poorly-dentured
Baroness-cum- harridan. To
this day the Al Yamamah deal remains a “state secret”.
James visited Saudi to negotiate the supply of weapons for
the helicopters. His
contact, an unnamed Saudi Prince, openly confirmed that a number of
the gunships and ammunition would be “re-routed” to Iraq. Scott,
in reviewing this interesting piece of evidence concludes that this
did not, in fact, occur. But here one must be extremely careful in sifting the facts.
Scott goes into some detail regarding “reliable” evidence,
the obvious inference being that James is less than reliable.
Quite why or how he reached this conclusion is, to me, a mystery.[23]
It may have had a lot to do with his reliance on documentary
evidence, all of which was provided by an ever obliging government
bureaucracy. However,
we do now know that the Al Yamamah contract included some very nasty
and unusual items, which, presumably, Sir Richard Scott was not made
privy to. A British Aerospace
salesman secretly caught on film and broadcast during a TV documentary
in January 1995[24]
boasted that a consignment of 15,000 “electronic batons’
were exported to Saudi Arabia “hidden away” in the Al Yamamah
deal. The “batons” capable
of 40,000 volts (plus) are used for the most horrendous forms of torture.
Britain’s role in providing torture equipment speaks volumes.
“Leg Irons” - routinely applied to cause mind-wrenching and agonisingly
painful lacerations - are manufactured by a British firm that boasts
continuous production since the days of slavery.
Nice touch of history!
Cleverly scuttling around restrictive legislation (with government’s
tacit agreement - a “nod and a wink”) the firm changed the name to
“Leg Cuffs.” Thereafter
the “irons” were shipped to the USA, where the two inch chain connecting
the “cuffs” was extended to twelve inches and then re-shipped to the
intended destination of torture.
Usually Africa, the Middle and Far East. Returning
to the pyrotechnic trail: Austria and Portugal also come in for a
cursory glance from Scott. Both
nations re-routed large quantities of ammunition components to Iraq.[25]
Quite apart from the “diversionary” routes, UK Ltd., was happy
to engage in other forms of neat business practice, presumably for
a commission? Fortunate
possessors of the much sought (and still unimaginable) “favoured trading
status with Iraq” the British government was delighted to act as an
international “clearing house” for other nations defence exports to
Iraq. These particularly
included pre-cursors for Chemical weapons.[26]
This side-line, has not, unsurprisingly, come in for any real
scrutiny by Scott, and as a consequence it is not possible to clearly
identify which nations used British “services” in this regard.
Nor is it possible to ascertain whether such nations were more
concerned with circumventing their own domestic regulations than merely
engaging in business “expediency.” HALT
August 1990, misinterpreting western signals, the heavily-moustached
and armed Saddam Hussein ungraciously stomped into neighbouring Kuwait.
A long time friend became an immediate and grisly foe.
Culpable British officials quietly collapsing in shock were
hurriedly revived by fumes permeating out of large brandy glasses.
Unless something was done pretty damn quickly, the covert arming
of this one-time friend turned sudden monster, would become public
knowledge and all the lies would be revealed.
With this singular thought in mind, a myriad candle’s sputtered
late into the night, casting long shadows across Whitehall’s inner
sanctum. After frenzied
discussion an age old solution was found. We
shall never know the precise discussion but it would’ve probably been
something like the following: “Prosecute the culprits!” one minister screamed, fearful that
his promotional prospects and knighthood were diminishing in front
of him. “We are the damn
culprits!” another retorted, equally fazed and trembling.
“Then let’s just prosecute anyone” said a pragmatic third -
an attorney. “We’ve got
to get the heat off us,” intoned a pliable fourth.
The fifth sat smugly silent.
Michael Heseltine, Minister of the Department of Trade and
Industry would shrewdly take the necessary steps to insulate himself
from the furore, a matter which does not really concern us in this
re-telling. Chosen
as the sacrificial lamb was Paul Henderson and his two fellow directors.
Henderson, the Managing Director of Matrix Churchill, a small,
British based Iraqi owned manufacturer, was supplying a wide range
of machine tools to Iraq with British government approval.
Termed as “dual-use” (equally capable of producing weapons
or innocent products) Henderson knew that the equipment he provided
Iraq went straight into Saddam’s war factories; there was never a
doubt in his mind, as he readily admits in his book “The Unlikely
Spy.” Likewise,
the government had no doubts that the Churchill matrix exports they
had approved were destined for Iraq’s weapons network; numerous British
intelligence reports, plus a 1989 CIA briefing note clearly identified
Churchill Matrix as a weapons supplier to Iraq.
Unfortunately, what government ministers did not know at that
time, was that Henderson had been a Secret Intelligence Service (SIS/MI6)
asset for the last twenty years. Regularly reporting to his “handler” before and after each
visit to Iraq, he had provided a massive quantity of material on Saddam’s
weapons development and procurement programme, including his own small
contributions. He was
in the words of his handler, John Balsom, “A very brave man”[27] By
October 1990, two months after Saddam’s foray into Kuwait, anxious
Customs and Excise officials raided Matrix Churchill and arrested
Henderson and others. A
year later, in November 1991, committal proceedings against Henderson
and two other directors commenced at the Old Bailey.
By now, government ministers had become aware that Henderson
was the “Unlikely spy.” His
defence lawyer had made clear he would go for acquittal on the basis
that Henderson had informed Her Majesty’s government’s intelligence
community of the true state of affairs.
However, central to Henderson’s defence were classified government
documents confirming his spy status and prolonged assistance to SIS
and MI5. Without these Henderson’s lawyer was not hopeful of proving
the defence case. Found
guilty all three would have almost certainly been imprisoned. Once
again a step ahead of the defence, five government ministers confidently
signed so called “gagging orders” known as Public Interest Immunity
Certificates (PIIC’s). With devilish cunning these sought to withhold the vital (culpable)
government documents on the grounds of national security.
PIIC’s generally consist of exhaustive legal and emotional
argument to convince the presiding judge that dreadful damage would
follow were he to permit the defence access to necessary evidence.
In Henderson’s case, the arguments consisted on a mishmash
of public spirited concerns.
One argued that the lives of Intelligence agents would be put
in jeopardy were documents released, citing that “unquantifiable damage”
would result.[28]
Heady stuff. Later, it was discovered that the intelligence agent who’s
life was at risk was…Henderson himself.
Clever huh? The
Minister who signed this order, Tristan Garel-Jones was hauled in
front of Scott and quizzed.
In the light of the evidence surveyed, Scott asked Garel-Jones
what he meant by “unquantifiable damage.”
Presumably he meant unquantifiably large?
“No,” Garel-Jones replied, stoicly.
Then, perhaps he meant unquantifiably small?
Scott asked. Not
that either. “Unquantifiably”
Garel-Jones intoned, can mean “unquantifiably large or unquantifiably
So there you have it, a decisive dictionary definition designed
to deport the defendants to a despicable dungeon - if my alliteration
is any judge of the matter? Bombarded
by these gagging-orders, the trial Judge, unusually, demanded to read
the documents and make his own judgement.
They were delivered sealed in metal boxes under stringent security
measures, with guards placed outside the judge’s chambers to ensure
utmost secrecy - such was the magnitude of state secrecy attached
to them. In the event
the Judge, surprisingly,[30]
ruled in favour of the defence and ordered the documents turned over.
Thereafter, the same documents were “biked” to the defence
attorney via a solitary commercial dispatch rider - such was the magnitude
of state secrecy attached to them.[31]
Now on fragile ground, the prosecution was dealt a final death
blow by the Minister of State for Defence turned prosecution witness,
Alan Clark. Under cross-examination
Clark revealed that he had given a “nod and a wink” to Henderson and
other Machine Tool manufacturers to export weapons to Iraq.[32]
With this incredible testimony the governments prosecution
of Henderson and his co-defendants collapsed.
Suddenly revealed was the governments cynical manoeuvring that
directly led to the establishment of Sir Richard Scott’s inquiry,
and the resulting hue and cry - now evaporated. This
sad tale of daring-do has an additional footnote that is well worth
retelling. Alan Clark
revealed to Paul Lennon, the London Independent’s journalist that “The
moment you announce an enquiry the thing’s dead. Who gives a toss about the findings? They are not yesterdays fish and chip’s but last February’s
fish and chips.”[33]
Clark’s fifty-roomed country home, Saltwood Castle, Kent, is,
incidentally, the place where 10th century assassin knights
working for the crown, conspired to put an end to that “troublesome
priest”, Thomas a’Becket. Touché! We
British have a long history in such matters of state. ENDS
[1] See
Noam Chomsky “Necessary Illusions - thought control in democratic
societies (Pluto Press 1989), plus related work. [2]
Scott D1.56 [3]
Scott D1.57 [4] Scott
D1.10 [5] Scott D1.10 [6]
Scott D1.10 [7]
Scott footnote No. 52, page 170, vol. 1.
See also Court transcripts: Regina V Matrix Churchill,
4 November 1992 p. 91. [8] Scott D1.19 [9]
Scott D1.3 [10]
Scott D.19 [11] Scott E2.16 [12]
Scott E2.17 [13] They did, however, possess a number of “Khalid” tanks, which we are told share similar components to the Chieftain MBT. [14] ScottE2.17 (xiii) [15] Scott E2.31-39. See also Richard Norton-Taylor’s “Truth is a Difficult Concept” (Guardian Books 1995) p55 [16]
Alan Friedman’s “Spider’s Web” (Faber & Faber 1993) p 27. [17] Ibid. p 176 [18] Ibid. p177 [19] Ibid. p181 [20] Scott
E3.2-8 [21] John Sweeney p 93 [22] Scott E3.12 [23] Scott E6.11-15. Stockholm International Peace research Institute (SIPRI) yearbook 1995 lists “88 WS-70 Blackhawk” helicopters delivered to Saudi and lists them as “part of Al Yamamah 11 deal.” Sir Richard Scott may have been duped? This writer, a one-time director and treasurer of a leading City based international bank, has personal experience financing large weapons deals and has met with one shady Saudi Prince engaged in this activity. I have no doubt that Gerald James’ version is correct. [24] Channel Four Television Dispatches programme: “The Torture Trail” re-broadcast March 1996 [25] Scott E7.1-15 [26]
John Sweeney “Trading with the Enemy” (Pan Books 1993) p 94 [27] Transcripts of the Matrix Churchill prosecution. [28] Richard
Norton-Taylor pp 163-4 [29] Ibid
p 164. See also Scott
G13.32 [30] Britain’s
establishment traditionally relies on the “common-sense” of Judges
in matters like this, to make the correct decision.
It is indeed extremely unusual for a judge to insist on
reviewing documents himself. [31] Paul Henderson p238 [32] Richard Norton-Taylor pp 153-5 [33] Disgruntled
with the governments “management” of his exhaustive inquiry, Richard
Scott hit back during a lecture delivered at the University of
Essex on 19 March 1996.
Criticising the government’s excessive secrecy he said
that the British system of governance was an “elective dicatotship.”
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