Despite my efforts, I have a small amount of investments as MRs CU gets her hands on cash long before I am able to remove it to safer places.
Clearly I do not give financial advice nor want too. However I thought the readers would be interested in my current portfolio which I change very few months on average - I have replaced the poll this week to make space.
The Poll on interest rates was not all that exciting, with the overall prediction that rates would end the year about 1/2% lower than they are now. Quite likely to happen, although this will let the inflation genie out of the bottle!
Hope the weather holds and we all get a nice weekend.
My only investments are in my pension, the rest is in a savings account because I need a new bathroom!
Reading down your portfolio I was very impressed until I got to the last one. RBS??? I presume the logic is that all the bad news might be priced in, and the only way is up.
Good luck, you are braver, wiser or dumber than I am. Only time will tell, and I hope it's one of the first two options.
But what does your pension invest in BE - always good to know!
JE - hence the oops. It was a punt when I thought the market had bottomed out - kinda stuck with it now for the rights issue. hopefully it will pay-off in a year or two as the business is only rated at 5x profits currently......
ND/CU what do you make of this?
The giant French-based utility EDF has made a takeover offer for the UK's nuclear power firm British Energy.
You may be a little embarrassed today, but until your sell, you've lost nothing. And while we're on the subject of who might be the most dumb, last year I managed to lose a bundle on Vedanta Resources, the play on both commodities and India. Just about any fool could have made a fortune in this one, but I bought at the worst time, and sold at £12, just as it started its run back up to the mid twenties.
Ah well, you can't win them all.
However I thought the readers would be interested in my current portfolio which I change very few months on average ...
We would. Where is it?
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