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Saturday, 16 November, 2002, 12:59 GMT
No refunds for rally fans
Rally car and crowd
Crowd problems caused stage cancellation
Organisers of the Network Q rally of Great Britain have said there will be no refunds for spectators after the cancellation of a stage in west Wales.

The second running of the Brechfa forest stage in Carmarthenshire on Friday was called off because of crowd problems.

Doubts have now been raised over the future of the event, which ends in Cardiff on Sunday.

Huw Davies
Huw Davies: wants refund
An announcement is due to be made at 1830 GMT.

The world governing body for rallying, the FIA, ordered a report into the safety of the event after an incident in Brechfa last year when 13 spectators were injured after being hit by Carlos Sainz's car.

The Motor Sport Association (MSA), which runs the rally, had warned before the event that stages would be cancelled if excessive numbers of spectators lined the roads in the Welsh forests.

Organisers had introduced new safety measures including the appointment of a dedicated spectator safety officer.

But some spectators say they are disappointed they didn't see any cars.

Enthusiast Huw Davies, from Carmarthen, paid £40 for two tickets to see the rally.

Brechfa location map
Organisers cancelled the a stage in the Brechfa forest

He said: "My son and I got into Brechfa at 0930 GMT and didn't see any crowd problems at all.

"I paid for the tickets but didn't see any rally cars because the stage was cancelled.

"If there were problems, why were they still allowing people into the forest."

But event organisers said tickets clearly stated there would be no refunds in the event of a stage being cancelled.


Commercial Manager Tim Foster said: "Regrettably the stage was cancelled but ticket holders would already have seen all the cars during the first Brechfa stage.

"Tickets would also allow them to see other stages during the event.

"But anyone with any concerns can write to us and we will respond to everyone."

The address to write to is: Motorsports House, Riverside Park, Colnbrook, Berkshire, SL3 0HG.

Rally followers were urged to watch their speeds when driving between stages on the event.

During a four-hour period on Friday on the M4 motorway between Pyle and Margam, 182 motorists were recorded exceeding the speed limit.

Of these, 73 were driving above 90mph and two motorists were recorded driving at 135mph.

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See also:

16 Nov 02 | World Rally
26 Jan 02 | Wales
27 Nov 01 | Wales
26 Nov 01 | Wales
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