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Last Updated: Tuesday, 28 November 2006, 15:30 GMT
Monster 'better known' than Burns
A member of the plesiosaur group (Pic: Science Photo Library)
Some say Nessie is similar to extinct marine reptiles
Nessie is a better-known Scot than Robert Burns or Sean Connery, according to a survey.

More than 2,000 adults across the UK were asked to say who they believed to be Scotland's most famous figure.

Poet Burns came second place in the poll, actor Connery was third and Robert the Bruce was fourth.

The Loch Ness Monster took almost a third of the votes in the survey, which was commissioned by Crabbies Green Ginger Wine.

1 Loch Ness Monster 29%
2 Robert Burns 27%
3 Sean Connery 12%
4 Robert the Bruce 9%
5 William Wallace 7.5%
6 Robbie Coltrane 6%
7 Billy Connolly 4%
8 Lorraine Kelly 2.5%
9 Ewan McGregor 2%
10 Lulu 1%

Caroline Glenn, the manager of the Robert Burns National Heritage Park in Alloway, Ayrshire, said the poet should have beaten the monster to top place.

She said: "I understand that lots of people come to Scotland to try and catch a glimpse of the Loch Ness Monster.

"But in reality Robert Burns should be number one. He certainly is in our eyes."

The other names in the top 10 were William Wallace, Robbie Coltrane, Billy Connolly, Lorraine Kelly, Ewan McGregor and Lulu.

'Monster' fossil find in Arctic
05 Oct 06 |  Science/Nature
'Nessie' image spotted on the Sun
24 Apr 06 |  Highlands and Islands


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