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Last Updated: Wednesday, 30 January 2008, 10:49 GMT
Straw: Brown's got skip in stride
Gordon Brown
Brown has 'bounced back' from last year's problems, says Straw.
Gordon Brown has got "a skip in his stride" following last year's difficulties, Jack Straw has claimed.

"We had a slightly difficult autumn - that is life and times in government," the justice secretary told BBC Radio 4.

The prime minister faced problems such as the non-election, a police probe into Labour funding, Northern Rock and the loss of data on 25m people.

But Mr Straw added: "Gordon has bounced back brilliantly since Christmas. There is a bounce, a skip in his stride."

Now the government is preparing for an upturn in its fortunes, he said.

What we're also doing is dealing with the serious business of government
Jack Straw
Justice Secretary

"What is more we are getting on with major improvements in the way this country is run.

"Yes, of course the Conservatives can call from the sidelines but are they seeking to tackle today's issues and tomorrow's issues?"

Asked if there had really been a skip in Mr Brown's step as Mr Hain was forced to resign last week, Mr Straw said: "Well these things happen and they happen to any party, as we saw yesterday in respect of Derek Conway.

"But what we're also doing is dealing with the serious business of government."

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