We discussed the outcome of the G8 summit with Rudo Kwaramba from World Vision in our global phone-in programme Talking Point.
Did the G8 Gleneagles summit live up to your expectations?
Prime Minister Tony Blair says the G8 has agreed a $50bn (£28.8bn) aid boost, as leaders sign the communiqué.
On the last day of the summit, Mr Blair said the agreement to double aid to Africa and give it trade concessions "It isn't all everyone wanted, but it is progress."
Do you think the leaders have made any real breakthrough at the summit? Will the agreement satisfy protestors?
This debate is now closed. Read a selection of your comments below.
The following comments reflect the balance of opinion we have received so far:
Money has poured into Africa for many years. A large number of political leaders have become quite wealthy. The peoples of Africa remain poor. What will change to ensure that the money gets to where it is intended? If this can't be controlled, then all of the politics of the last week has been a waste of time.
Terry Brunn, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
It's good to see that so much money is being promised for the suffering people of Africa. But what the world needs more is economic concessions so that these nations can stand on their own feet, as the money given in aid is often spent by the corrupt rulers on non-developmental projects. Similarly the G8 countries should impose a ban on the selling of weapons of all categories to other nations and should produce only to meet their needs. Only efforts made with sincerity can succeed. I applaud the British PM for his interest in helping Africa.
Shahzad, Bradford
I think we just wasted $50 billion of hard earned taxes. These resources could be put to much better use by investing in the infrastructure right here in the US. We would get so much more of a return for our money. The African leadership will just waste and steal this money like they have always done in the past.
Joe Pepe, New York City
I think African countries should have good leadership and democracy. If this was applied I am sure in 10 years we would see big changes, in 20 years it will be a very different continent whereby everybody from the rest of the world would like to come and live here.
Elisonguo Kiwia, Arusha, Tanzania It is good that some progress has been made but I still think we should have done more. The increase in aid is a positive step towards eradicating world poverty but can I make one further suggestion - the people of the G8 countries getting together in their millions and campaigning for world democracy. Without transparent and democratic governments in Africa, the aid will not reach the poor and we will continue to see one child die every three seconds due to extreme poverty.
KP, England
This meeting was a publicity stunt, and the corporate media lapped it up. Every dollar given in debt cancellation was taken from aid on the condition that the countries sell off their electricity and water industries. When will the media report this?
Swithun Crowe, Edinburgh, UK
I am glad that the G8 is making sincere efforts to make this world a better place, but lets face it, this is like one step of a thousand mile journey!
Niraj Shrivastava, Raipur, India
There can't be a real breakthrough without clear commitments to fair trade.
Helga Pietsch, Graz, Austria
There is no good to come out of a conference that allows the major cause of the worlds problems to supposedly suggest realistic solutions. It's like giving the fox the key to the henhouse and suggesting he knows what's best, it isn't going to happen.
Bill Hamilton, Canada
What is the point in eliminating world debit if we are all going to die due to global warming anyway?
Nina, Birmingham, UK
It would be good if all do-gooders showed some respect for Africans by not endorsing our bloody despots before any handout
No they haven't made any breakthrough in tackling Africans' main concern which is not poverty but feeling totally powerless to stand-up to their brutal dictators such as Ethiopia's Mr Meles Zenawi who is invited to G8 summit. Zenawi's security forces, who are made up of his own ethnic group, are committing a series of massacres in Ethiopia. At the same time, Britain and the West cordially invited this fellow deemed a war criminal by Ethiopians to grace the G8 summit. It would be good if all do-gooders showed some respect for Africans by not endorsing our bloody despots before any handouts. Respect us and the victims of our despots first and then help us.
Liban, Oromia, Ethiopia
As someone who has closely followed (and been involved with) the make poverty history campaign I cannot help but feel disappointed by the result of this G8 summit. It concerns me that so many people can make such a big noise and yet when it comes down to it the G8 leaders have not come up with the goods. This is the will of the voting electorate (or at least a very large proportion of it) and yet our voices and actions have been disregarded to a large extent. I fear for the message this gives to the public and what the long term repercussions of this will be. Not just for the world's poor but also in the developed nations. Some of my hope for the good of humanity has gone and I am now a little more cynical. Perhaps this is what they (the governments) hope for but it will ultimately be their undoing. I feel very sad today that this momentous opportunity has been missed.
Susan Ostrander, London, England
This is only a drop in the bucket. What are we paying attention to? Where are we investing our dollars? 200 billion US dollars and counting on attacking Iraq while poverty, lack of water, disease, and lack of family livelihood kill 10,000 children per day and countless others. Unenlightened self-interest is driving US policy and third world dictatorships. When are we going to wake up and realize we are all citizens of the world and when others suffer, we all suffer? Who is going to create a world worth leaving for our children?
John Inman, Oregon, USA
In comparison with the dismal efforts of recent years, the G8 was a huge success - if it is followed through. Whatever one thinks of Iraq, Blair and Bush deserve credit for going far further and showing more leadership than their predecessors on Africa (although Bush's support for farm subsidies mitigates his achievements). The challenge is to ignore the cynics and to keep up the momentum. We should demand much more but we should also reward the politicians who are prioritising Africa. Geldof has it right. Farm subsidies, the arms trade and conflict prevention are much tougher but should be next, as should more investment in health research for developing country diseases (currently championed by Bill Gates).
Frank Humphreys, London, UK
The G8 deal is a start; hopefully it is the beginning of a new awareness of extreme poverty and a willingness to eradicate it. It's sobering to think that as 50+ men, women and children died during a 56 minute man-made tragedy in London around 1,120 children died of preventable extreme poverty in Africa. We can't stop every bomber but we can end extreme poverty.
Jamie Reid, Scotland, UK
Money is not all what is about in Africa. Take Congo as an example: Congo is the richest country in the world under the ground and one of the poorest above, although there still is a lot of mining going on there... Where is all that money flowing to? Probably to the same people where the G8 money will go to. There has to be a structural solution!
Peter Staelens, Brugge, Belgium
Much praise goes to Mr Blair for his efforts in putting Africa development on the world policy agenda. Surely with the doubling of the aid eventually we get to pay. What the world needs is a balance of trade in a way that no continent is marginalized. With improved governance that is being experienced across Africa, she needs more trade and a fair playing ground.
Joseph, Nairobi, Kenya
I don't think the G8 summit has made any real breakthrough but I certainly feel that with a little more tact and a lot more effort and perseverance the leaders of the 21st century can achieve what the others have been trying to achieve for decades together. Therefore, I can say that the G8 summit is a definite step to make this world a greener pastures for all of us to live cooperatively!
Priyanka, Pune, India
I am a Nigerian. I think strongly that Africa is not ready for aid. African countries must clean their systems of corruption or the money received from the G8 will go into wrong hands. If Nigeria were to bring her corrupt leaders, past and present, to the altar of accountability, Nigeria will recover more money than the amount the G8 countries promised to give to Africa. I am afraid that the money will go into corrupt hands as soon as it reaches Africa.
Ferdinand Okorie, Chicago, USA
It's a start - a poor one, but a start. If the extra $50 billion was implemented now 37,000 people would die unnecessarily every year from poverty instead of the current 50,000. But as it is, the aid won't start flowing until 2010. Nineteen countries get debt relief - but 40 more will still have to make crippling repayments to the rich countries rather than spending money on health and education. And poor countries will still be forced to open their markets to subsidised products from industrialised countries and they will still be forced to privatise their services (water etc). If it were children in the G8 countries dying from poverty every 3 seconds, would they still have produced such a poor package as this one?
Jo Selwood, Newbury, UK
It is good that agreement has been reached on Africa's debts - so long as this doesn't present the continent's political leaders with yet another opportunity of lining their own pockets at the expense of the poor. G8 has agreed that the use of fossil fuels must be drastically reduced - why then is there so much opposition in Britain to so-called 'wind farms'? In Germany, where there are far more 'green' politicians than in the UK, 'wind farms' are an accepted way of producing power. Why does the government listen to a handful of protesters and ignore the wishes of the majority?
Brian Hapgood, London, England
The bombings in London made British politicians more desperate to try and make the G8 meeting look like a success for fear the bombers would appear as the winners. Indeed the change in their tone following the bombings clearly illustrates that. Bush could not give in on the climate as that would make him look like the loser, with the American economy being affected. So the only possible way to save face was to promise more aid to Africa. Will the politicians live up to their commitments?
Roger Bascom, Edmonton, Canada
Compared to other G8 summits, this one achieved much more especially the unprecedented aid package of $50bn to Africa and debt-cancellation deal, and $3bn for the Palestinians. These are definitely steps in the right direction. However the thorny issue on climate change has still not been resolved owing to the long-standing US opposition to emission targets. This is a real pity as future generations will suffer as a consequence.
Pancha Chandra, Brussels, Belgium
In the face of the coward's acts of terrorism, the world leaders showed their resolve, commitment and steadfastness in helping rid the world of inexcusable hunger. The world today is a better place as a result!
Joe Gordon, Clifton Heights, PA, USA
Unless we tackle trade we will for ever be talking about aid. Let's hope that the intent to deal with agricultural subsidies and trade barriers is followed through. We need to maintain a level of expectation about that.
Andrew Witham, UK
Great nations, Africa is grateful for the $50bn aid boost but please, send international NGOs to work with African governments or else, the very poor and destitute will not benefit. If measures are not taking against corrupt leaders who selfishly pocket everything, you will miss your goal of poverty alleviation.
Alimou Diallo, Kissidougou, Guinea Republic
I think, to be plain and helpful, G8 talk of Africa and global warming is only a fraction of world's real needs - this they know well. They should behave better and honestly define the problems and act without self interest.
Krishnaswami KR, Chennai, India One way to help fight global warming is for the rest of the G8 to carry out its activities on Kyoto and impose sanctions on trade with the US.
Dave, Glasgow
The front men of a system based on inequality and unending capital accumulation do not have it in their power to make poverty history or to do anything meaningful on climate change.
John Keeley, Folkestone
This was well done and done well. Of course we want more to be done and Tony Blair made it plain that the huge task was begun and not completed. I am proud of the UK's leadership.
Tony, East Sussex, UK
I'm pleased with Tony Blair. After all the grief he suffered over the war in Iraq, I'm glad to see him making such valiant efforts in such important matters. Though Geldof overshadowed him in the BBC's focus program before the summit and Live8, I think Blair's performance was excellent and I believe he is genuinely set on changing these problems.
Sam Walker, Guadalajara, Mexico
We need to keep the pressure up for decades, not just weeks
Progress has been made - not as fast as I would have liked, but at least Tony Blair made an effort to address the issue of world poverty at the G8 meeting. We need to keep the pressure up for decades, not just weeks. Then we can make a huge difference.
Anthony, Cardiff, UK
I do not think the world can stand to miss many more opportunities. The G8 had the chance to make some real change and they fell short (as always).
Fernando Suarez, Toronto, Canada
Although the US pledged less than what was hoped for, let other nations begin the work of proving that development aid can be effective. Then, if there comes a day when Democrats retake the White House or even Congress, Americans will more fully join as partners in the war against global poverty.
PJC, Alexandria, VA, USA
It's very easy for Blair to highlight the positive aspects of the communiqué - however, he consistently ignores fundamental omittances, the most important being that of the 0.7% of GDP target set by the UN. Until the gaping ignorance of this basic benchmark in aid is rectified, Blair can only be credited with re-hashing old deals.
Aoife Clarke, Belfast, Ireland
This just isn't enough - on either of the major issues. I stood with millions upon millions of other people this week and told my government what I wanted them to do on poverty. They haven't done it. I will be taking Geldof's advice: waiting until they ask for my further authority at the ballot box, then telling them that they can't have it.
David, Edinburgh
The agreement is a landmark for progress. While terrorism may attempt in their strikes, they are unable to take away the will of the international community to come to Africa's aid. What is now left is to insist on good governance and the eradication of poverty from the ethos of society.
Rev J Bosco Bangura, Freetown, Sierra Leone
I am pleased with the massive aid boost to Africa but the lack of development on the issue of climate change is disgusting.
James Campbell, Alford, Scotland
In Auchterarder we were apprehensive about the protest march, but knew it would pass and was likely to be contained if trouble emerged. We were equally apprehensive about the results of the G8, but perhaps less optimistic that the global excesses based on unfair trade and resource consumption would be contained. This G8 isn't about Africa or poverty, it's about excess and about greed. These can be found everywhere, its just the "over here" we have more of both. If we leave it to our leaders to make all the gestures let's not be surprised that they make rather few of them.
Andrew Oisean, Auchterarder, Scotland
While the G8 leaders have come to a considerable agreement where Africa and the Climate change issue are concerned, they still need to explore the thought on how to make the world more secure. The clock is ticking while lives are being taken senselessly. I hope more can be done to stop these terrorist attacks.
Saskia Ashford, Georgetown, Guyana
I noticed George W Bush was saying in relation to climate change that he needs to ask what is best for America. Like Tony Blair would be best asking what is best for Britain. Perhaps it is time they/we started asking what is best for the world. As long as these national questions take priority over the global questions, the longer it will take to achieve a cleaner and better world.
David, Wimbledon, London, England
I have just heard that the US position on climate change has "barely budged" and that a stalemate will be announced. This absolutely beggars belief and the lack of action is a simple betrayal of future generations to come, we will leave behind a rubbish bin of a planet, the waste of the beautiful gift we had. This self-centred political approach must be removed one way or another. Time is running out.
Paul, Bournemouth, UK
Nothing is my answer if the biggest item to come out of the summit is the aid package to Africa. The money will go into the pockets of despots and dictators and corrupt officials. It will achieve nothing. The aid will find its way into account held in foreign banks. It has happened before. The planning to usurp the funds is in place. The wait is only for the funds to arrive. How foolish can the leaders of G8 can be. Please prove me wrong!
Dr H Bl, London, UK
Nothing will be achieved, that is increasingly clear. Climate change won't be addressed until the US wakes up, which will never happen under Bush and probably not under anyone else. Africa won't get real help until trade barriers are removed and Europe (well Chirac anyway) won't remove the CAP. All very depressing really. It is the people that need to make a difference but when it comes to the crunch most individuals are only interested in their own comfortable lifestyles and value their flash cars and electronics above clean water and food for Africa's children.
Steve, UK
Reading in the paper how 'Bush puts US interest first' without thinking about the wider global issues of poverty, climate and global economy makes me angry! There are 50,000 people dying each day! If we want to be the countries who are respected as world leaders and demonstrate that we will look after one another then we need to show that we have feeling! Being selfish gives terrorist another reason to attack.
Lorraine Turnbull, Bucks
A reform in trade policies to change the economical outlook of African nations are absolutely justified. But I personally isn't much in favour of the debt relief. Let the Africans construct their own economical infrastructure rather than becoming an eternal dependant on aid donors.
Shib SenChaudhury, Calcutta, India
Even though our planet is slowly dying I don't think the G8 will ever have the political will to do anything about global warming until it's too late! I think we the people have to take charge on this issue to overt disaster. We all need to start to reduce are CO2 emissions and support organisations like 'Earth 2012' that develop environmentally friendly technology.
George Savva, Edinburgh, Scotland
I hope for my sake that those 8 leaders face facts and realise that this world is not at all perfect. I am 14 and hope that when I grow up I will live in a world that is safe and clean enough for my children and grandchildren.
Tom Fletcher, Horsham, England
When will Europe understand that America's opposition to Kyoto is not negotiable? They can talk about it until hell freezes over but it won't change a thing. If Europe wants to pursue Kyoto without the US, fine they can go right ahead. If they want to talk about climate change in any meaningful way with the US they will have to move on to something else.
Mark, USA
It will achieve nothing although we will be lead to believe via the associated governments spin masters that vast changes are being implemented. The G8 is an excuse for very rich men to make themselves even richer. The next should be run like back-to-the-floor programmes with the leaders living in Africa for a week and the 500m costs associated with the event being used to help the developing nations.
Jon, Glasgow
Aid has already made us much poorer
Obviously, to staunch supporters of tyrannical misrule on our continent (and this means many people on the political left), it will have been the greatest achievement in the history of international economic relations. Aid and trade development, they will argue. For those of us who are on the side of our longsuffering people, it will have been perhaps the best proof yet, that it is in the West's interest to indulge these vile brutes and crooks, who call themselves our rulers, and are so evidently the impediment to our economic emancipation.
After all, aid has already made us much poorer, while improved market access under the EU's 'Everything But Arms' initiative and the US' African Growth and Opportunity Act have merely exposed our lack of basic capacity to trade. For me, the lesson is tragically clear: if you treat African rulers so differently from how you have treated other developing country leaders, you should not be surprised that African economies perform so differently.
UE, UK/Nigeria
I'm certainly hopeful that climate mitigation technologies can be highlighted. America leads the world in methane capture - methane is 23 times as damaging to the greenhouse gas as C02 - we see America has the lead in the methane2markets international government think tank which looks at ways of stimulating / regulating / promoting methane capture technologies such as coal bed & coal mine methane. In the UK we have over 900 disused mines, which the coal board say there is a high proportion that are economically viable for methane capture technologies. The coal board advocates coal mine methane capture, unfortunately after years of consultation.
The DTI would prefer this hazardous pollutant to be vented to the atmosphere - and in a large number of cases flair methane! (Due to historical reasons the majority of our disused coal mines are in built up areas - the DTI suggests flaring - that's just silly. There is a proven technology that can harness the energy within methane, produce local electricity (Germany currently has some 200MW of cmm electricity), and save greenhouse gas emissions. I'm new to energy rules and regulations, I'm also quite aware that the government is banging the gun about wave / wind farm technologies - yet these technologies, by there very nature, are miles away from centres of requirement - and these miles are measured in millions of pounds worth of investments.
Andy Shaw, Edinburgh
What is needed in Africa is capitalism - and lots of it
The comments here seem oblivious to the fact that everything in life is a trade off, but they are seeking 'cosmic justice' for Africa. Whilst their philosophy is contrary to it, what is needed in Africa is capitalism - and lots of it. Are people really intent on saving a few lives today to propagate a population in the future that we, the West, need to perpetually give short term aid to? One thing is for sure, the African despots will be laughing about not having to pay back the cash from their Swiss accounts.
John R, Chelmsford
The answer to Africa's problems lies with the Africans. We are not going to improve matters by putting an entire continent on welfare. What surprises me is why no one points to Asia and nations such Malaysia, Indonesia and South Korea. By the later 1940s they had been stripped of resources by years of war, occupation and internal conflict. Poverty, disease and violence were widespread. Fifty years later they enjoy rates of economic growth that East Europe can only envy. Why? And why does Africa remain the world's economic basket case.
Hugh, London
We have to get an agreement that both rids African countries of present debt and stops giving aid that is tied to purchasing goods in the developed countries at high prices, which only compounds debt in the future. At the same time we must get immediate improvement in trade terms so that African goods can be sold in the developed world at a fair and reasonable price. No more cheap cash crops which stifle Africa's chance of becoming truly self sufficient.
Barbara Twiney, Timperley, Cheshire UK
The Kyoto Treaty is flawed and should never be ratified or supported by the USA
I'm from the US, and I believe the Kyoto Treaty is flawed and should never be ratified or supported by the USA. Only if the accord includes all nations of the world should the US support it.
Gabriel, NY, USA
The best way to eliminate poverty is to empower the masses and this can only be achieved by helping the masses cultivate and nourish the institutions of freedom, democracy, accountability and justice. This means not getting into bed with dictators, and sending billions to corrupt regimes while their people continue to walk miles to fetch a bucket of water.
Siddique Malik, Louisville, KY, USA
The problem is not the lack of aid, but rather the fact major policies pertaining to trade, and other areas where Africa could be self-sufficient are biased and prejudice the continent of billions of dollars. Then you have all these westerners who are quick to say oh, it is corruption, oh it is lack of human rights. And stop looking at Africa as if it is a country.
Dominic Muntanga, New York / USA
The fact that the focus of the G8 meeting is on Africa is a success in itself
The fact that the focus of the G8 meeting is on Africa is a success in itself. The leaders have a historic opportunity to achieve a great deal for Africans for generations. But I whole-heartedly agree with Nelson Mandela when he said that it's all very well to cancel debt and give aid but we need to make the corrupt African leaders accountable for every penny given to them. I'm born in Africa and I know that corruption has brought many countries to its knees. I wish that African leaders would become statesmen and do something for their fellow citizens as opposed to lining their pockets.
Rose, Toronto, Canada
I think the eight most powerful men in the world will make promise after promise on how they will help Africa by doubling or tripling aid, cancelling trading rules etc but I bet they don't deliver.
Jonathan Harker, Warrington
There will be no breakthroughs and protestors will not be satisfied. Meetings like this are not designed to develop policy, they are essentially to oil the wheels for highly focused future meetings that do the work. Protestors are never satisfied, that's not why they do it. They just like to complain and take a negative and superior attitude to everything. These are the real chattering classes.
Tom, UK
So the G8 wipe off a few billions off of the debt of some African countries. How is this going to affect the average inhabitant of those countries? Poverty has only been defeated in other countries by adapting to the capitalist mould and producing cheap, easy to manufacture goods that the world requires. With cheap labour already available in China/Pakistan/India how will these poor African countries compete and develop a manufacturing base to enrich their population? There is only a finite amount of manufacturing demand that world requires - as seen in the failing South African textile industry.
David Nottle, Bedford Beds
I believe that some of the African leaders present at this summit must all be held accountable for bad governance in their respective countries. All well and good that everyone is calling for debt relief, my question is will the ordinary man on the streets of Africa feel the difference. African leaders are too busy lining their pockets. There must be some criteria set: the standard of living of the citizens of these nations must be seen to be improving and only then can we talk of debt cancellation. Structures must be put in place to enable the system of good governance to work.
Akua, Accra, Ghana
Not 8, but about a billion attitudes to change
The G8 meeting is important; But the power of public opinion and purchasing is more powerful. This is because the real power lies with the supermarkets; If we insist on only buying fair trade goods (for UK farmers as well) then this will be the true change for Africa and other developing areas. Not 8, but about a billion attitudes to change.
Paul Teather, Harrogate
I am from the US and I strongly believe that Tony Blair should stand firm against Bush on ratifying the Kyoto Protocol as far as global warming. We must stand up and start protecting our environment. I am hoping that the leaders can come to some agreement with or without Mr. Bush.
Paulette Clark, Simsbury, CT USA
Until people recognise that something has to be done about the amount of people on the planet, there will always be people in poverty, especially when we consider that the world's natural resources are going to run out soon. Not only would it tackle poverty, but it would tackle other problems like, transport, pollution, housing, classroom sizes, crime, etc. Its not an option, it's the answer!
TK, London
This deal for Africa should be extended to other developing nations burdened by debt
Even if the G8 delivers on its promises for Africa, what will it do for the rest of the world? This deal for Africa should be extended to other developing nations burdened by debt. The current focus on African issues also draws attention away from other crucial issues such as the environment, human rights, political freedoms, income equity, and corporate greed.
Drew, Cambridge, UK
Why is there so much focus on doubling aid, when a) providing aid doesn't mean that it will help the people (corrupt governments, etc) and b)African leaders and other research shows that the improving and helping Africa's trade will have the biggest effect on poverty. I've not heard any politicians making the point I have just made, which is a little worrying. They seem blinkered to doubling aid.
Jenny Clow, Portsmouth UK
Above all, we need to look to the future and develop methods and strategies to deal with the impending climate change, not waste billions trying to pin the blame. Fix the problem, not the blame.
David Higson, Bury, England
Well done to all those who have protested in the past few days. I believe that it is pressure from a minority of committed activists that has helped to put Africa and Climate Change on the G8 agenda in the first place.
Matthew, London
It probably won't satisfy protesters because for many of them, capitalism must be dismantled (as if that were possible) for them to be happy. If the "Fair" Traders get their way, Africa will tragically be condemned to decades of further poverty and corruption. While it is right that the West should remove its subsidies, so should Africa. This is not so that "we" get something in return, but so that Africa can grow, prosper and fulfil its potential. "Fair" Traders want more protectionism in Africa. Africa needs less trade barriers not more. Let's not confuse very old-fashioned socialist political ideology with the best way to get Africa on its feet.
James , London
It is simply not possible, even in principle, to "make poverty history"
Expectations of the G8 are unrealistic. It is simply not possible, even in principle, to "make poverty history". Why? At the moment 6% of the worlds population use about 40% of its non-renewable resources annually. That 6% is the developed world. If we want the remaining 94% of people to live as well as we do then the Earth would need about 6 times the resources it has. Or, we would need another 5 Earth-sized planets, close by and uninhabited, which we could plunder. Alternatively ,of course, we could all use much less of everything and lower our expectations, but which of the G8 leader is going to go back to his country and tell the people they have to make do with less?
Steve, Dundee, Scotland
African leaders wants to be provided all their needs on a platter of gold. When will Africa learn to be serious about its people instead of begging all around?
Igoni Pedro, Abuja, Nigeria
Will the outcome of the G8 summit go down in folklore? Yes, but not necessarily for the right reasons. Tony Blair and George Bush might use strong vocabulary before the summit, but I question how much they can actually achieve. I feel that, whatever the outcome of the summit, there are bound to be some groups unhappy at it.
S Demoulin, North East
Unless good governance is forced upon rogue African states, nothing will be achieved
On Africa, one hears that the G8 are 'calling' for good governance. Unless good governance is forced upon rogue African states, nothing will be achieved. After pouring another trillion down the drain the G8 will realise they were fooled once again.
Josotta, Oxford, UK
Let's give these politicians a chance. People are criticising them before anything has even been decided. G8 Alternatives supporters need to seriously look at who are educating them before they criticise capitalism!
Michael Stowe, Darlington, England
Make sure you recognise who is prepared to make a difference. Bush doubles aid to Africa, meaning the US is putting twice as much cash into Africa than the whole of the EU put together. Bush offers to scrap agricultural subsidies if the EU do the same. The one thing that will really make a difference. Bush funds $15bn programme for anti-retroviral drugs to combat HIV/aids. Judge them by what they do, not what they say.
John Moss, London, UK
As long as Prime Minister Blair is obsessed about his hatred of president Mugabe, there is very little that the ordinary African person is going to benefit from the G8 summit other the normal "showboating" of power by the mighty West.
Vincent Mfundisi, Johannesburg, South Africa
The problems of third world countries, and those in Africa in particular, will not be solved by anything that the G8 summit does. While the reduction of international debt would help the economies of these countries, the most important change to help them out of poverty would be peace and an end to corruption. The artificial borders of many African countries has exacerbated the inter-tribal problems and this has led to long term civil wars and unrest. The problems brought about by climate change are grave, but even if there is any agreement at G8, any benefit will take a long time to have any effect so drought and flood will be with them for many years to come.
Martin Scott, Hemel Hempstead, England
The summit will produce nothing for the poorer African nations. Unlike Nigeria which has huge oil reserves which the West has its eye on, other nations have nothing to offer. Sierra Leone has diamonds but that is not a commodity in short supply or likely to create or contribute to a world wide economic crisis.
James, Exeter
I am bemused by comments relating to Bob Geldof's efforts to end poverty here. He has effectively highlighted fair trade as well as aid and debt relief. Direct anger at G8 if they do not listen- not at a man who wants to save lives.
Angela, UK
The possibility of achieving nothing dramatic is mostly likely, except the usual symbolic resolutions that accompany such summits. They have all the expert answers, but there is something about Africa, that challenges and haunts the G8 members for truthful and generous commitment. The spectre of colonization and slavery, exploitation and politics lingers.
Nana Egyir, Harrisburg, USA
I think the results will be better than what they would have been with no protesting but no where near the results that could make a difference to the starving people from all the poor nations. Trade reform is what's needed.
Susan Barry, Paisley, Scotland
I hope that G8 will see past the simplistic ideals of Geldof and others, that cancelling debt and throwing aid at countries will solve everything. If countries have their debts cancelled their credit rating plummets. In the mean time some of the corrupt governments will reap the rewards of this. The ordinary people will not benefit. I hope G8 will make certain countries fulfil political obligations before assistance is given, as that is the main root of their poverty.
Fiona, Isle of Man
It will not achieve nearly as much as people expect or are hoping for. The members of the G8 are the richest countries on earth; they look after and prioritise big business first and foremost. Any effort made by them is likely to amount to a drop in the ocean. There is a lot to do but I fear it will be too little, too late.
Oliver, Bingley, West Yorkshire, UK
There's precious little that can be done to stop the current climatic effects
I think Bush has it about right (for once); technology will take care of environmental pollution - it has to because the oil will run out. But apart from reducing lung diseases in various countries, there's precious little that can be done to stop the current climatic effects of the past 150 years of industrial and energy growth.
D Ball, Wokingham, UK
The G8 leaders will give a few crumbs off the table to try to appease public opinion. However, big business will not allow the most powerful men (I would say puppets) to eliminate poverty. Capitalism is based on the exploitation of large numbers of people to maximise profits.
Dave Mudie, Edinburgh, Scotland
It will all be smiling faces, jokes and compromises to satisfy the general public but I doubt anything will really change. Everything will be forgotten in a few weeks.
Richard, London, UK
You can't help but feel cynical about the promises of doubling aid and clearing debt to the poorest countries. Who decides whether a country is poor enough to receive these pledges? I suppose if they have some commodity that the US and UK can benefit from, then you're on the list!!
Colin Grant, Manchester, UK
It will say a lot but achieve nothing. When will the West learn you can't dictate our values on the rest of the world? The only thing that will save Africa is if capitalist investment happens and that is not likely given the risks from tribal wars and corrupt governments.
Piers Catton, Blandford Forum, UK
I see that Tony Blair has just arrived at the G8, where climate change is a key topic, in a gas-guzzling 4X4! How crass. He certainly missed an opportunity to set an example this time.
John Taylor, Bournemouth, England
Very little as always. If the best Jacques Chirac can do is moan about UK food, Tony Blair will be jet lagged from his flying visit to Singapore, George Bush is simply George Bush - enough said. There is little hope.
Tom, Ipswich, UK
With so many 'self interests' very little can be achieved. Gleneagles is a fantastic venue and everyone will have a great time. It will cost a lot of money to host (£50 million on policing alone) and a lot of hot air will be produced. It would have been better to spend the money hosting it on Africa debt.
C. Parker, Padbury