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Last Updated: Friday, 10 August 2007, 17:36 GMT 18:36 UK
Gunman dies in Jerusalem shootout
Scene of the shooting in Jerusalem
Israeli police at the scene of the shooting in the Old City
A man has been shot and killed in Jerusalem's Old City after seizing a weapon from an Israeli security guard and shooting him with it, police say.

At least nine civilians were hurt in an ensuing gun battle. Police said the man was a Palestinian of unknown identity.

The Old City, in East Jerusalem, houses Jewish, Muslim and Christian sites.

East Jerusalem has been occupied by Israel since 1967. Palestinians hope to establish their capital there, but Israel claims the entire city.

Israel's annexation of the city is not recognised by the international community.

Jerusalem Map

East Jerusalem is home to more than 220,000 Palestinians - Muslim and Christian - and about 180,000 Jews.


The shooting happened close to the offices of an ultra-nationalist Jewish organisation in the Christian quarter of the Old City.

Police say the man grabbed a gun from a security guard standing outside the building and shot him in the shoulder.

The man fled but was chased by another guard.

The two men fired at one another as they ran down a narrow lane and a number of bystanders were injured before the gunman was shot dead.

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