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Last Updated: Tuesday, 12 February 2008, 17:34 GMT
Spring Flowers - Your Pictures

Photo: Peter Wyles

You've been sending your pictures of British spring flowers. This Little Owl snuggled into snowdrops was pictured by Peter Wyles on a visit to the Mid-Wales Falconry in Welshpool.

Photo: Lyndsay Toal

Lyndsay Toal spied this lone daffodil while out walking in Pitville Park in Cheltenham.

Photo: Lyndsay Toal

And this beautiful cherry blossom is also blooming in Pitville Park, Cheltenham. Photo: Lyndsay Toal.

Photo: Kathryn Coysh

A carpet of snowdrops at Tarrant Crawford churchyard near Wimborne in Dorset, photographed by Kathryn Coysh whilst walking with friends on Sunday.

Photo: Carol Starr

A purple bank of crocuses at Wakehurst Place in Sussex. Photo: Carol Starr.

Photo: Iqbal Madan

These crocuses are flowering at Backs, near King's College Chapel in Cambridge. Photo: Iqbal Madan

Photo: Brenda Jarrett

This cherry blossom is decorating Brenda Jarrett's garden in Pratt's Bottom, Kent. Send photos to yourpics@bbc, For terms and conditons see right hand side.

Terms and conditions for sending pictures
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