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Last Updated: Monday, 11 December 2006, 05:22 GMT
In pictures: Chile reacts to Pinochet death

Opponents of Gen Pinochet rejoice at news of his death

Thousands of people took to streets of the Chilean capital, Santiago, both to mourn and to celebrate the death of Chile's former military ruler, Gen Augusto Pinochet.

Chileans celebrate the death of Gen Pinochet in Santiago

Gen Pinochet has long been a divisive figure in Chile, reviled by the left for ousting the government of Salvador Allende and for human rights abuses.

Fire burns in Santiago after clashes between police and Pinochet supporters (Pic: Neil Walker)

The atmosphere among opponents of the general was mostly jubilant, but there were some clashes with police, who used tear gas and water cannon.

A woman mourns the death of Gen Augusto Pinochet

Others, though, have continued to support their former ruler, who they feel saved the country from socialism.

Gen Pinochet's daughter, Lucia Pinochet Hiriart

Gen Pinochet's daughter, Lucia Pinochet Hiriart, rushed to hospital when news of his death emerged.

Military police on guard outside the Santiago military hospital

Outside the military hospital where Gen Pinochet died, police stood guard to keep order as the crowds massed.

A young boy kneels among supporters of Gen Pinochet

Crowds of supporters, both young and old, massed by the hospital when it became clear that he had died aged of 91.

Opponents of Gen Pinochet in the streets of Santiago

But it was his opponents who became the most vocal, taking to Santiago's streets and heading towards the presidential palace in jubilation.

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