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Last Updated: Sunday, 19 March 2006, 07:47 GMT
In pictures: French protests

A student throws a flare into a parked car in Paris, France

Violence marred the end of a day of mostly peaceful demonstrations across France against a new labour law.

A protester stands amid clouds of tear gas in Paris, France

Police in Paris charged at rioters and used tear gas in an attempt to disperse the crowds.

Burning car in Paris

A number of cars were set alight by the rioters.

Police clash with protesters in Paris, France

More than 100 arrests were made, and dozens of people were injured.

Demonstration in Marseille

Earlier, hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated without incident.

Demonstration in Paris

Paris saw the biggest rally, and the largest since protests began earlier this month.

Couple dances in front of riot police in Paris

It passed off largely with good humour, with this couple seen dancing in front of the police.

Demonstrators in Paris

But as the march broke up some demonstrators threw missiles towards the police.

Demonstrators with barricades in Lille

In the northern city of Lille, demonstrators attempted to erect barricades in the streets.

Riot police tackle demonstrator in Lille

Riot police in the city swooped to make arrests, charging the demonstrators and using teargas.

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