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Last Updated: Thursday, 23 March 2006, 10:46 GMT
Panda painted onto single hair
Jin Yin Hua's panda
Gallery visitors view the painting through a microscope
Chinese micro-painter Jin Yin Hua has painted an image of a giant panda on a single human hair.

The artist took 10 days to create the mini-masterpiece using a single rabbit hair as a paintbrush.

Visitors to a Chinese gallery who wanted to view the tiny artwork had to look at it through a microscope.

Other micro-painters include Russian artist Valeriy Dvoryanov who creates oil paintings of famous people on poppy seeds and grains of rice.

Panda painting
The image was painted with a rabbit hair

His biggest work to date is his 2003 picture of the Titanic, on a 2mm-long mineral sliver.

One of his works is inscribed with the words: "I have loved the sun all my life and always wanted to paint the sun" in letters a fraction of a millimetre wide, painted using a sharpened human hair.

And in 2002, Micro-artist Willard Wigan spent months designing, sculpting and painting a miniature figure of Muhammad Ali fighting Sonny Liston on a pin head.

His collection includes a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Tower Bridge and Jesus - each fitted into the eye of a needle.

It also features a minute Statue of Liberty and a boxing ring containing Lennox Lewis and Evander Holyfield.


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