Page last updated at 19:13 GMT, Tuesday, 24 January 2006

Digital music: Industry answers

Some of the top executives in the music industry have answered your questions about digital music.

The BBC News website asked for your queries and gripes about the way new technology is being used - and the eight sharpest, most frequent and most important questions were put to the virtual panel.

Click on each question to read the answers.

Do you believe people who are buying CDs legally and copying that music to an iPod should be punished - as they are, in fact, breaking the law? Darren, Cardiff

  • John Kennedy, IFPI:
    This is an area where common sense has prevailed - to my knowledge no-one has been punished for this kind of personal copying.

  • Peter Jamieson, BPI:

    Consumers don't have the right to copy CDs in the UK and never have, and though we've never brought action against anyone for private copying, the advent of peer-to-peer and digital distribution has turned the issue on its head.

    The real problem starts when people decide to upload their ripped CD collection to the internet for millions of others to take for free. There is nothing private about sharing your music collection with millions of others which is why we focus our anti-piracy efforts on the worst offenders.

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