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Last Updated: Tuesday, 3 April 2007, 16:45 GMT 17:45 UK
Thai prisoner boxes for freedom
Thai prisoner boxer, Samson Sor Siriporn
Siriporn's victory could see her walk free three years early

A female Thai prisoner has boosted her chances of freedom by winning the world light flyweight boxing title.

Samson Sor Siriporn, a convicted drug dealer, beat Japan's Ayaka Miyano in a bout staged at the mixed Klong Prem jail, known as the "Bangkok Hilton".

Watched by dozens of prison staff, Siriporn won on points after 10 rounds in the ring, kick-starting parole proceedings for her early release.

The 24-year-old took up boxing to protect herself from violent inmates.

"I'm so happy with the way I performed today. I'm very proud. I've been in jail for a long time now, I hope this will see me released early," said Siriporn after the fight.

"When I'm free I'll carry on fighting. I want to fight all over the world."

'Changed woman'

The match took place in a makeshift ring in the grounds of the Klong Prem prison, in front of a crowd of about 700 people, including a few prison inmates.

Thai prisoner boxer Samson Sor Siriporn (L) and Japanese boxer Miyano Ayaka
Siriporn was jailed for selling methamphetamine pills
Transvestites released from their cells for the event paraded in high heels around the ring with placards.

Siriporn, serving a 10-year sentence for selling small amounts of drugs, dominated the fight, taking the World Boxing Council title 97-93, 98-92, 100-91.

A Thai corrections department official said the parole process would start immediately.

"I think it's very likely she will be released as a result of this victory, maybe in a couple of months. We gave her a chance to show us her talent, and she has done that," said Natti Jitsawang.

"She is a changed woman, and now she has the chance to be free and fight around the world."

Organisers believe the win makes Siriporn the first inmate to clinch a world title in prison.

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