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Last Updated: Friday, 1 September 2006, 15:38 GMT 16:38 UK
'Missing' girl wanted to leave UK
Molly/Misbah and her father Sajad Rana
Molly, also known as Misbah, spoke at a news conference

A 12-year-old girl, who has been missing from her home in the Western Isles for a week, has said she was not forced to leave.

Molly Campbell told a media conference in Lahore, Pakistan, that she left Scotland of her own free will.

Northern Constabulary has submitted a report to the procurator fiscal following its inquiries into the case.

Molly, who asked to be called by her Islamic name Misbah Iram Ahmed Rana, said she wanted to stay in Pakistan.

Her mother and legal guardian, Louise Campbell, had made an emotional appeal for the return of her daughter.

Ms Campbell said in a statement issued by a spokesperson that she was not going to say anything except that she was acting in the best interests of the child, and pursuing the proper line to get Molly back.

The youngster said she wanted to stay with her father.

She told the gathered media on Friday that she bought her own ticket to Pakistan.

I would like to stay here in Pakistan forever
Molly Campbell

She denied that she had been forced to leave home because her family in Lahore had made plans for her to undergo an arranged marriage.

The schoolgirl said: "It was my own choice, my sister came to see me and I asked her, can I go with her, because I was not allowed to see my family. I just went with my sister."

Asked if she would like to stay in Pakistan or return to the UK, she said: "I would like to stay here in Pakistan forever. And my name isn't Molly, it is Misbah."

Molly added: "I knew my mum would miss me, but I missed my family and it was hard. If I live with my dad I can still see my mum."

The girl's family in Pakistan have said they will provide her with a phone and computer so that she can maintain contact with her mother.

Molly/Misbah, right, and her older sister Tahmina
Molly, right, with her older sister Tahmina

They also said that Ms Campbell, who moved to Lewis from Stranraer nine months ago, would be able to see her daughter.

However, because Ms Campbell is Molly's legal guardian she is within her rights, under the child abduction protocol, to ask a Pakistani judge to order that Molly be returned to Scotland.

Molly flew to Lahore last week with her father and older sister, but without her mother's consent.

Glasgow MP Mohammed Sarwar went to Pakistan on Thursday to help mediate on the matter.

Mr Sarwar told the media conference in Lahore that it was vital the families could now "build up trust".

Osama Saeed, Scottish spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain, said: "We're glad that Misbah has had her side of the story aired now.

"From the beginning the friends and relatives of the people at the centre of this have been saying that there is more to this than was being reported.

"Even looking at Louise's own statement from Tuesday is was clear that this was not a straightforward case of kidnap as was being portrayed."

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