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Last Updated: Friday, 2 April, 2004, 11:41 GMT 12:41 UK
Rwanda: 10 quick facts

  • As much as 10 per cent of the population of Rwanda was killed in the 100 days of the genocide. The current population is now 8.4m

  • The ethnic make-up of Rwanda is very skewed. As much as 85 per cent of the population is Hutu, but the elite positions have traditionally been taken by the minority Tutsis.

  • The country had long suffered from ethnic tension because of the traditionally unequal relationship between the dominant Tutsi minority and the majority Hutus. In 1959, the civil war led to 200,000 Tutsis fleeing to Burundi.

  • The UN set up a tribunal in 1995 to investigate the massacre. But despite a large budget, 16 judges and 800 members of staff, only eight people have been convicted of genocide-related crimes.

  • Human Rights Watch has done the most reliable study of the genocide. Researchers speak of hundreds of thousands of women having been raped. United Nations investigators say it could be between 250,000 to 500,000.

  • The events in Rwanda led to rape being recognised as an act of genocide for the first time by an international court. The tribunal ruled that such acts "were committed solely against Tutsi women".

  • Thousands of women raped during the genocide are now suffering from HIV or full blown AIDS. (An Avega survey of 900 women raped during the genocide found 68 percent HIV positive).

  • Seventy percent of the population of Rwanda is female. Half of them are estimated to be widows.

  • 500,000 Rwandans - Hutu and Tutsi - are infected with HIV. That represents more than 11 percent of the population. The average in sub - Saharan Africa is eight percent.

  • 150,000 people have died of AIDS in Rwanda - some 20,000 of these were children.


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