Serving different audiences

The BBC News website is published in two versions - one for the UK and the other for international audiences. First-time users to the site will be automatically directed to the version based on their geographical location. In this way BBC News can offer a more relevant selection of headlines.

For UK audiences
The UK version gives greater prominence to UK-wide stories and features.

It'll be easier too to read about UK TV and radio news and current affairs programmes and to listen to many of them live and, later, on demand. Have Your Say forums and votes will more often be about matters in the UK though major international issues will also be up for discussion.

Remember, the UK version also includes our full range of world news too.

International version
Similarly, world news is given greater visibility in the international version and finding coverage of events in Africa, the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and South Asia, will be simpler.

So will accessing the news in languages other than English on the BBC World Service website. The international version will reflect the BBC news and current affairs brands and personalities associated with the corporation outside the UK.

And, of course, all the UK news will also be available.

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