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Last Updated: Monday, 30 May, 2005, 09:22 GMT 10:22 UK
Oasis hit is named 'best UK song'
Britpop band Oasis had their seventh UK number one this month
The Oasis song Wonderwall has beaten tracks by The Beatles and Led Zeppelin to be named the best British song of all time in a radio listeners' poll.

The 1995 song topped the Virgin Radio poll of more than 8,300 listeners.

"It is the perfect song to stick your arm around your mate and sing out at the top of your voice after a few beers," said DJ Pete Mitchell.

Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody was in second place with Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven third.

Despite not taking the top spot Queen and the Beatles notched up the most entries in Virgin Radio's top 100, scoring eight entries each.

1. Oasis - Wonderwall
2. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
3. Led Zeppelin
- Stairway to Heaven
4. The Beatles - Let It Be
5. John Lennon - Imagine
6. Police
- Every Breath You Take
7. The Jam
- Going Underground
8. Verve
- Bitter Sweet Symphony
9. Robbie Williams - Angels
10. The Stranglers
- Golden Brown
Source: Virgin Radio

The Rolling Stones and David Bowie had six entries each but new band Coldplay, who had their first chart single in 2000, had five tracks in the top 100.

The male-dominated chart featured only one song by a female solo artist - Kate Bush at number 16 with Wuthering Heights.

Alison Moyet is included as half of electropop duo Yazoo, whose 1982 hit Only You is at number 73 and Annie Lennox appears in The Eurythmics, whose 1983 hit Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) is at number 93.

Wonderwall topped the Virgin Radio chart despite failing to top the UK singles chart on its release.

Nevertheless Oasis secured their seventh UK number one last week, topping the chart with latest single Lyla before being ousted after one week by The Crazy Frog's ringtone hit Axel F.

Oasis get seventh UK number one
22 May 05 |  Entertainment
Oasis singer blasts fellow bands
29 Apr 05 |  Entertainment
Crazy Frog hops to chart success
29 May 05 |  Entertainment
Oasis to make low-key live return
12 Apr 05 |  Entertainment


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