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Last Updated: Friday, 10 December, 2004, 13:02 GMT
James Brown has prostate cancer
James Brown
Brown is one of the world's most famous singers
Godfather of soul James Brown has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and will undergo surgery next week.

"I have overcome a lot of things in my life. I will overcome this as well," Brown, 71, said in a statement.

He finished a two-week Canadian tour on Thursday night and is expected to spend three weeks recovering from his operation on 15 December.

Brown, best known for hits such as I Feel Good and Cold Sweat, still plans a tour of Asia and Australia next year.

The soul legend was charged with domestic abuse earlier this year after a row with his wife Tomi Rae Hynie but the allegation was resolved when he failed to contest the charge.

Troubled times

Brown was arrested in January and accused of pushing Ms Hynie to the floor and threatening her.

Prosecutors said Brown had pleaded guilty to the charges and would forfeit a $1,000 (£550) bond as a fine.

Tomi Rae is Mr Brown's fourth wife.

He has had a number of legal problems over the years, including a two-and-a-half year jail term for assault in 1998.

But he was granted a state pardon in 2003 by the state of South Carolina, meaning he was fully forgiven in the eyes of the law and no longer has to deal with the consequences of his past crimes.

Brown, known as the godfather of soul, is into his fifth decade as a recording artist.

He is widely credited with pioneering the use of rhythm to create the funk sound that would later lead to the birth of hip-hop.

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