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Last Updated: Thursday, 25 November, 2004, 17:38 GMT
No police action for Ms Dynamite
Ms Dynamite
Ms Dynamite won the Mercury Music Prize in 2002
R&B star Ms Dynamite will face no action over allegations of assault in a London restaurant, police have said.

The 23-year-old performer was arrested and released on bail after reporting to police last month.

The alleged incident took place in a Chinese restaurant in Wardour Street, Soho, on 17 September.

The Mercury Music Prize winner, whose real name is Niomi McLean-Daley, recently took part in the recording of the new Band Aid single.

A Scotland Yard spokeswoman said: "She had been due to answer police bail but there will be no further action in connection with this matter."

The star was arrested after she voluntarily went to a police station following the incident.

Outspoken star

She won the coveted Mercury prize for her album A Little Deeper in 2002 and has won a string of prizes since, including two Brit Awards and three Mobos.

Ms Dynamite took part in a London Stop the War rally and has performed for causes including Oxfam's Make Trade Fair campaign.

The outspoken star also made a plea to stop the rising tide of gun crime at a memorial for two girls shot dead at a New Year party in Birmingham in 2003.

Last year she was named media personality of the year at the Race in the Media Awards.

Ms Dynamite wins race award
11 Apr 03 |  Showbiz
Explosive rise of Ms Dynamite
01 Oct 02 |  Music


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