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Last Updated: Sunday, 17 December 2006, 16:34 GMT
Police send cards to law-breakers
Police in Greater Manchester are sending Christmas cards to criminals in a bid to appeal to their better nature and persuade them not to offend.

The cards, which are being sent to known law-breakers in Chadderton, near Oldham, have been produced with the Chadderton Area Action Team.

They have been personally signed by the Neighbourhood Policing Inspector and feature the Crimestoppers number.

It is hoped the festive card will cut vehicle crime and burglary in the area.

The cards also bear the message: "We are looking out for you and the community".

Neighbourhood Policing Inspector John Haywood said: "We hope that receiving a Christmas card from the police may discourage some offenders from committing crime this Christmas.

"It is the season for giving, not taking, and some people need reminding of this as they consider trying to ruin somebody else's Christmas".

Police claim the initiative is also aimed at families of offenders who may have information which could help police reduce crime.

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