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Last Updated: Sunday, 12 June, 2005, 15:45 GMT 16:45 UK
Lord Mayor among vigil supporters
Louis Rapaport, president of the Jewish Representatives Council for Greater Manchester
Louis Rapaport has been heartened by the support
More than 100 people have taken part in a vigil at a Greater Manchester cemetery where Jewish graves were vandalised in a racist attack.

The Lord Mayor of Manchester, Councillor Mohammed Afzal Khan, was among those who attended Sunday's rally at Rainsough Cemetery in Prestwich.

He described the attack as a "disgusting act of vandalism".

About 100 headstones and graves were wrecked in Thursday's incident, which police said was racially motivated.

'Very shocking'

It was the fourth racist attack at the cemetery and caused damage valued at an estimated £150,000.

Louis Rapaport, president of the Jewish Representatives Council for Greater Manchester, said he was heartened at the support shown by people of different faiths and races.

He added: "It has been very shocking for the whole community and it's going to take a long time to get over this."

The Bury Unite Against Fascism group were among the organisers of the vigil.

A Greater Manchester Police spokesman had called the attack a "heartless offence".

Det Insp Simon Collier said: "Each grave damaged has Hebrew inscriptions on it. I think it is a racist incident.

"It is disgusting that someone could commit a crime of such a thoughtless and disrespectful nature in a place where people come to grieve and mourn the loss of their loved ones."

Vigil held after graveyard attack
11 Jun 05 |  Manchester
Racist gang attack Jewish graves
09 Jun 05 |  Manchester
Vandals smash graves at cemetery
21 May 05 |  Manchester
'Racists' target Jewish graves
05 Aug 03 |  Manchester

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