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Last Updated: Thursday, 17 January 2008, 19:52 GMT
Released paedophile is arrested
Joshua Karney
Joshua Karney was convicted of indecent assault
A wanted paedophile who was mistakenly released by a police force has been arrested in Sussex.

Joshua Karney was jailed for a sex offence against a child in Lancashire in 2002, but failed to report to a hostel when released on licence.

He was arrested by South Yorkshire Police last November, who fined him for being drunk and then released him.

The 30-year-old was arrested in a street in Hove by officers from Sussex Police at about 1800 GMT on Thursday.

Karney was described by police as one of the UK's most wanted sex offenders after he went missing from Lancashire in 2005.

He is on the Child Exploitation and Online Protection's "most wanted" website.

A police spokesman said he was arrested after a "pro-active operation".

He initially gave officers false details but later admitted his identity when in custody.

Karney is to remain in custody overnight and the matter will then be passed to Lancashire Constabulary.

Appeal over released paedophile
17 Jan 08 |  England
Police release wanted paedophile
16 Jan 08 |  England

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