Page last updated at 09:58 GMT, Tuesday, 13 July 2010 10:58 UK

Personal inflation calculator

Calculator uses inflation data from June 2010 [RPI]
Works at fairly broad level and outcome is only an estimate
Your personal financial information is safe - all calculations are carried out on your computer
For more information see calculator FAQs and inflation explainer

Are the prices you pay for things going up?

Inflation as measured by the Retail Prices Index - which includes housing costs - fell to 5.0% in June, from 5.1% in May. The Consumer Prices Index also fell from 3.4% to 3.2%.

But how does this all affect you?

Your personal rate of inflation depends on how you spend your money and may not match the official rate of inflation. Use this calculator to get a much more accurate picture of how inflation affects you.


Monthly spending

Show how toHow to fill in this section

Next to every category type the amount you spend on it per month. Use numbers but do not use £ sign. Leave 0 in any sections that do not apply to you.

Food - all food and non-alcoholic drinks consumed at home; not take aways. Meals out - include take aways, exclude alcoholic drinks. Alcohol - include all bought for consumption at home or away from home. Phone charges - include mobile phones and internet access. Clothing and footwear - exclude accessories. Fuel for transport - include lubricants. Rail and bus fares include tram/ tube fares, car hire, taxis. Other expenditure - include housekeeping, personal posessions - excluding electrical goods - and costs for professional, financial, household, health and beauty and entertainment services.


Annual spending

Show how toHow to fill in this section

Next to every category type the amount you spend on it per year. Use numbers but do not use £ sign. Leave 0 in any sections that do not apply to you.

Council tax - rates if you live in N Ireland. House insurance and water - include sewage costs plus ground rent. Housing repairs - include goods and services, exclude major repairs and improvements such as extensions. Vehicle repairs - include goods and services. UK and foreign holidays and airfares - exclude work-related travel. Furnishings and electrical goods - include floor coverings, audio-visual and computer equipment, exclude gas appliances, cameras or equipment for hobbies or sports.


Housing Costs

Show how toHow to fill in this section

Type the appropriate amount next to each category in numbers. Do not use £ sign. Leave 0 in any sections that do not apply to you.

Value of your property - an estimated total current value, include all properties if you own more than one. Value of outstanding mortgage - total outstanding amount on any mortgages you have. Rent (per month) - exclude utilities and ground rent, include university accommodation fees. Where you live - if more than one property, choose region of principal residence.



Your results

Mortgage Interest Payments*
(a) House Depreciation*
(a) Car Expenditure*

Your cost of living changes by   text   a year


Compared to overall national inflation rate of 4.5% per year
(October RPI figure)

inflation rate

Your inflation pointer
Inflation scale 0 to 10%
National inflation pointer
inflation rate

The calculator was developed by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Information entered is safe as it stays on your computer.

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