個人簡介 - 電機工程學系 - 理工學院 - 天主教輔仁大學 - Powered by JOJ Design
Sheng-Chou Lin received Ph. D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington, TX, USA, in 1997. In 1995, he was affiliated with Bell Northern Research of Northern Telecom (BNR), Richardson, TX. From 1996 to1998, he was with Northern Telecom, Richardson, TX, where he was a Senior Technical Staff Member in the Wireless Networks Group. In 1998, he was a visiting lecturer the Department of Electronic Engineering of Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, and in 1999 joined the department as an Assistant Professor. Before studying in the US, he joined the Electronic Research and Service Organization (ERSO), Taiwan, and worked on the CMOS analysis for digital IC products. He has also worked on the RF measurement, design and simulation for radar systems at Chung-Shan Institution of Science and Technology (CSIST), Taiwan. His research interests include microwave measurement, wave propagation, statistical modeling and optimization of signals, neural networks, radar system design, wireless communications, simulations of fiber optical and mobile communication systems.

Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Vasant K. Prabhu
Dr. Vasant K. Prabhu is a professor in the Electrical Engineering department at the University of Texas at Arlington. He has taught at UTA since 1991. He specializes in teaching and researching digital communication systems. In 1958, Prabhu received his Bachelor of Science degree from Karnatak University (India). He also received a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the Indian Institute of Science in 1962, a Master of Science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) , USA, in 1963, and a Doctor of Science in 1966. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and a recipient of the Alfred Hay Gold medal from the Indian Institute of Science (1961), the Centennial Medal of IEEE (1984), and the Robert Q. Lee Excellence in Teaching award from UTA (1998). He has more than 30 years of experience as member of the technical staff at Bell Labs.
相關圖片  UTA Venues | UTATICKETS.com - The University of Texas at Arlington
M.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, TX, USA
B.S., Electronic Engineering,Tamkang University, Taiwan
經歷 (Career)
  • 電子工業研究所 (ERSO, Taiwan) : 產品開發組數位積體電路設計部,助理工程師 (Assistant Engineer)
  • ​中山科學院 (CSIST, Taiwan) : 模擬室微波組,研究助理 (Research Assistant)
  • Bell Northern Research (BNR, TX, USA) : 無線網路微波組,博士實習生 (COOP)
  • 北方通訊(NORTEL, TX, USA) : 無線網路系統工程部,資深工程師 (Senior Scientist), SPRING CREEK
  • 輔仁大學電子工程系所  (Fu-Jen University): 訪問助理教授 (Visiting Assistant Professor)
  • 輔仁大學電子工程系所 : 助理教授 (Assistant Professor)
  • 全科綜電股份有限公司 (Alltech Marine, Taiwan) :  顧問 (Consultant)
  • 全科科技股份有限公司 (Alltech, Taiwan): 獨立董事 (Idependent outside director)
  • 輔仁大學電機工程系所: 副教授 (Associate Professor), 系主任 (Chairman)
專長 (Expertist):
通訊系統 (Communication Systems)、無線通訊(Wireless Communications)、雷達系統設計 (Radar System Design)、統計信號處理 (Statistical Sugnal Processing)、類神經網路(Neural Network)、收發機設計 (Transceiver Design)、微波量測(RF Measurement)、電磁波理論(E-mag Theory)、光纖通訊 (Fiber optical Communications)、半導體元件(Semiconductor Components)。
研究方向  (Research Field): 
決定回授等化偵測 (Decision-Feedback Equalization Detection)、錯誤率估測 (Error rate Estimation)、多輸入多輸出天線系統 (MIMO Antenna Systems)、時空決定回授干擾消除 (Space-Time Decision-Feedback Interference Cancellation)、多用戶偵測 (Multi-user Dectection、非同步展頻干擾消除(Asynchronous CDMA Interference Cancellation)、單載波分頻多工頻域決定回授等化(SCFDMA Decision-feedback equalization)、MIMO 毫米波雷達、AI/IOT 感知雷達 (Cognitive radar)
目前開授課程 (Currect Teaching Courses): 
機率學 (Probability Theory)、複變函數 (Complex Functions)、數位通訊導論(Introduction to Digital Communications)、無線行動通訊概論 (Introduction to Mobile Radio Communications)、無線通訊(Wireless Communications)、雷達系統設計 (Radar System Design)、機率與隨機過程 (Probability and Random Process)、通訊實驗 (Communication Lab.)、專題實驗 (Lab. on Special Topics)、通訊元件與量測 (Communication Components and Measurements)。 
曾經開授課程 (Offered Courses):  
電子物理(Electronic Physics)、研究工具概論 (MATCHCAD)、通訊原理I (Communication Theory I)、通訊原理 II (Communication Theory II) 、 程式設計實驗 (Programing Lab.)、高階電子儀表量測實驗 (Advanced Instrument Measurement Lab.)、光纖通訊 (Fiber Optical Communications)、邏輯設計 (Logic Design)。
可開授課程 (Provided Courses): 
電路學 (Circuit Theory)、電子學 (Electronics)、電磁學 (electromagnetics)、工程數學 (Engineering Mathmatics)、訊號與系統 (Signal snd Systems)、通訊模擬 (Communication Simulations)、收發機設計 (Transceiver Design)、展頻通訊 (Spread-Spectrum Communications)、數位信號處理 (Digital Signal Processing)、消息與編碼理論 (Information Theory and Coding)、統計信號處理 (Statical Sigal Communications)、類神經網路 (Neural Networks)、數位影像處理 (Digital Image Processing)、數位轉換 (Digital Transformations)、高等電磁波 (Advanced Electromagnetics)、電磁波傳播及散射 (Wave Propagation snd Scattering)、高等光纖通訊 (Advanced Fiber Optical Communications、微波工程 (Microwave Engineering)、半導體元件與製程 (Semiconducor and Manufacture)、砷化鎵電路 (GaAs Circuits)。
專題研究 (Special Topics):​
  • 10G 測速測距雷達 、23G及77G 毫米波雷達感測器、MIMO 毫米波雷達、AI/IOT 感知雷達 (Cognitive radar)
  • PATCH天線模擬 、製作與量測; 射頻與微波電路量測
  • Wireless Communication Research: DFE Equalization、MLSE Estimation、Diversity and Equalization、Fast BER Estimation Algorithm、Space-time Processing、3G: Interference Cancellation and Mutiuser-Detection for CDMA and SDMA、
  • 4G (LTE): OFDM, SC-FMDA DFE Equalization and Mutiuser-Detection、MIMO System
