Stakeholder Engagement

Simplo scored stakeholders as per the five principles of the AA1000 (Stakeholder Engagement Standards (SES), namely dependency, responsibility, tension, influence, and diverse perspectives), by the global non-profit organization AccountAbility, namely dependency, responsibility, influence, diverse perspectives, and tension. Through the scoring of questionnaires and discussion of results, five categories of material stakeholders to focus on for communication have been identified, namely coustmers, suppliers, employees, shareholders/investment institutions, and government agencies.The company's CSR Sustainability Committee reports to the Board of Directors at least once a year and has reported its implementation status to the Board of Directors on November 13, 2023.


Stakeholder Communication Channels

Stakeholders Illustrate Issue of concern Communication method and frequency Contact person Implementation in 2023
Customer The opinions and feedback of customers are the direction of our continuous improvement and endeavors.
  • Sustainable management of supply chain 
  • Product quality and services
  • Green products, product carbon footprint
  • Green production
  • Response to climate change 
Marketing Service Management
Kimi Liao

  • Technology/business meetings (QTR/QBR/MBR)
  • Email
  • Company website
  • Customer’s audit
  • Daily emails and customer visits
  • Participated in 45 QBR/QTR/MBR meetings
  • Responded to 36 customer questionnaires (10 online questionnaires)
  • Occasional customer sustainability issue exchange
Supplier Expects to grow together with supply chain partners, and work together to fulfill corporate social responsibilities.
  • Responsible procurement
  • Hazardous substance management
  • Conflict mineral management
  • RBA audit of suppliers
Supply Chain Management
Mona Wang

  • Supplier Evaluation
  • Supplier RBA audit
  • Supplier conference
  • Supplier questionnaire
  • One sustainable supply chain communication conference, attended by 83 suppliers online
  • 29 suppliers received ESG evaluations
  • RBA audited 27 companies
  • The "Supplier Code of Conduct Commitment" signing rate was 100%.
  • Sustainability management objectives communication (10 CPO letters)
Shareholder/ Investment Institutions Maintains a good interactive relationship with shareholders and investment institutions, and establishes a sound supervision mechanism to protect the rights and interests of shareholders.
  • Operational performance
  • Dividend policy and distribution
  • Management guidelines
  • Information transparency
  • Investment plans
  • Business Integrity
Investor Relations Management
Spokesperson: Wei Chin-Wen, Vice President of Administration

  • Shareholders’ meeting
  • Annual reports and financial statements 
    Shareholders’ meeting
  • Investor conference
  • Company website
  • Email
  • One shareholders' meeting held
  • Two investor conferences held
  • Publication of the Annual Report for the 2023 Shareholders' Meeting
  • 3 questionnaires for investors
  • Invited to share 1 session of the sustainable investment forum
Employee Committed to taking care of employees, providing market-competitive salaries and benefits, and cultivating outstanding talents, which will help improve the company's operating performance and efficiency.
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Employee benefits
  • Professional skill education and training
  • Labor-capital communication
  • Career development
  • Green life
Whistleblower/Complaint Spokesperson: Wei Chin-Wen, Vice President of Administration

  • Employee physical examination 
  • Labor-capital meeting 
    Internal mailbox
  • Welfare Committee meeting
  • Internal mailbox
  • Website bulletin board
  • Education training
  • Company website
  • One annual employee health checkup, four labor-management meetings, and four Welfare Committee meetings.
  • 5 employee activity registration forms and 1 group meal satisfaction survey
  • A total of 24 issues of e-newsletter have been distributed, 45 issues of the ESG news report, and the issue if the Group’s e-newsletter
Government Agencies Follow the laws and regulations, establish a good reputation for the company, and fulfill the responsibility of corporate sustainability and earth citizenship
  • Corporate Governance
  • Risk management
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Compliance
  • Social care
  • Energy management
Spokesperson: Wei Chin-Wen, Vice President of Administration

  • Official document
  • Email
    Official letters
  • Forum
  • Market Observation Post System
  • Filing on the MOPS
  • Participate in government briefings

Identify Material Topics

Materiality is identified based on the GRI Standards (2021). Questionnaire surveys are used to understand the stakeholder concern about various sustainability topics of Simplo and to rank the material topics. The selected material topics are assessed by the representatives of the CSR Committee for their impact on “Simplo's operations” and “on the economy, environment, and people (including human rights)”. They are then ranked according to the significance of the impact, as the basis for the information disclosure in the report.

Identify Materiality Process

  Step 1: Collect and summarize sustainability issues

The task force of Simplo Technology’s CSR Sustainability Committee refers to the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards), the Responsible Business Alliance’s (RBA) Code of Conduct, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Corporate Governance Indicators of the Taiwan Stock Exchange, and the Company's sustainability goals to aggregate 24 sustainability issues.

  Step 2: Investigation of material issues

The questionnaire was used to quantify the significance of impacts. The survey content are as follows:
1.    2022 Material Issues Level of Concern Questionnaire
A survey was conducted to assess the level of concern of 5 key stakeholders on 24 sustainability issues, receiving a total of 158 valid feedbacks.
2.    Impact Assessment Questionnaire
Through the impact assessment questionnaire, the CSR Sustainability Committee further evaluated the degree and probability of "actual", "potential", "positive" and "negative" impacts on the external economy, environment, human rights, Simplo Technology's own operations, as well as the individuals or groups that will (or may) be affected if each topic has a positive or negative impact.

  Step 3: AIdentification of material topics

After consolidating the survey results, impact assessments were ranked, utilizing the dual materiality principles from the Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The X-axis measured the positive impact on company operations, while the Y-axis assessed the positive impact on the economy, environment, and society. A materiality matrix was then plotted to identify 10 material issues, reviewed by the internal sustainability team in alignment with international trends.

  Step 4: Material issue target setting and management

Based on the results identification results, material issue management guidelines and objectives are established and reported to the CSR Sustainability Committee and the Board of Directors. The management policies and objectives for future material issues will undergo annual review. The identification process for material issues will assess execution frequency based on circumstances, to evaluate the extent of positive and negative impacts of these issues. This approach allows the management team to allocate resources effectively and provides stakeholders with a review of operational effectiveness.

Material Topics Matrix

Value chain impact description

○Indirect impact        ●Direct impact
Material topics Impact on the value chain Corresponding to GRI Impact on the value chain
upstream Operation downstream
Supplier Headqualter Factory Client
Compliance Simplo complies with ESG and product-related laws and regulations to reduce the risk of penalties or impact on reputation. 416-2, 417-2
Risk Management Simplo has established risk management mechanism to minimize the risks that may affect the company's operations. 201-2
Business Integrity Simplo commits integrity management and implements relevant education, training and management mechanisms. 205-1, 205-3, 206-1
Supply Chain
Simplo establishes a sustainable supply chain management system, and integrates the ESG assessment of suppliers into the procurement decisionmaking process to reduce impacts 204-1, 308-1, 308-2, 414-1, 414-2
Corporate Governance Simplo strengthens the functions of the board of directors, and enhances sustainable governance responsibilities. 201-1, 201-3
Climate Change Simplo identifies climate change risks and opportunities, and implements energy-saving and emission-reduction actions. 305-1~305-5
Simplo creates opportunities to enter new markets. 302-1~302-4
Material Circular
Simplo has introduced a recycling mechanism for raw materials and package to increase the recycling rate of waste. 301-1
Green Product Simplo integrates product life cycle thinking into product design and implements product carbon footprint projects. 416-1
Occupational Safety
and Health
Simplo strengthens OSH management to reduce occupational accidents, occupational diseases, and industrial safety accidents. 403-1~403-9


Material Topics Management Policy and Objectives

Material topic Actions Achievements in 2023 2026 objectives
Legal compliance Regularly collect regulatory trends and review regulatory changes related to operations Compliance with regulatory requirements, with no occurrence of major violations Regulatory identification 100%
No major violations
Risk management 1. Release "Risk Management Policies and Procedures"
2. Establish a risk management team
3. Execute enterprise risk assessment questionnaire
Report to the Board of Directors to set up a risk working group to regularly review risks and countermeasures Zero major information security incidents affecting corporate operations
Ethical management Enhance Code of Conduct and Business Integrity
Organize employee education and training
5,806 employees participated in 10,726 hours of anti-corruption education and training and 6,743 participated in RBA education and training No violations of ethical corporate management or anti-corruption incidents occurred.
Supply chain management Hold a sustainable supply chain communication conference and invite 83 suppliers and nearly 200 partners to participate.
  1. Conducted the sustainability management questionnaire survey for 29 suppliers
  2. Executed supplier RBA audits of 33 suppliers
  3. Rated "A-" in the Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) by CDP
  4. Send a letter from CPO
25% reduction in GHG emissions from Scope 3 purchased goods and services.
Corporate governance
  1. Participate in corporate governance evaluations
Enhance information transparency
The score of the 10th Corporate Governance Evaluation was 6% to 20% 1. Ranked in the top 5% of corporate governance evaluation
2. Increase at least one the ratio of female directors
Climate change
  1. ISO 14064-1 GHG verification
  2. SBTi carbon reduction targets
  3. CDP climate questionnaire
  4. TCFD climate changeRelevant financial structure disclosure
  5. RE100 Target
  1. Passed the SBTi target review
  2. Joined RE100
  3. CDP climate change assessment received "B" management grade
1. Compared to the base year of 2020, there has been a 51% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and 25% reduction in Scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services
2. RE80
CleanTech Opportunities
  1. Build in-plant solar power generation systems
  2. Positioned the new business of energy storage
1. Cumulative in-plant solar photovoltaic installation capacity is 10.8 MW
2. New energy storage production line
1. Strengthen the integrity of the supply chain and optimize production configuration to increase the resilience of corporate operations.

2. Continue existing core advantages and extend into the field of green energy, including: LEV, BBU and large data centers, and explore growing markets such as energy storage systems.
Material circular economy Continue to increase the recycling rate of PCR plastics and packaging materials to reduce resource consumption 1.Plastic uses PCR 90% plastic pellets.
2. PET film is made of 100% PET recycled material.
Continuously increase the recycling rate of PCR plastics and packaging materials to reduce resource consumption.
Green product 1. Design for Product Environment (DfE)
2. IECQ QC 080000 Management System
3. Conduct Conflict Minerals Survey
4. Implement product carbon footprint projects
1. Import Design for Environment.
Completed 2 product carbon footprint surveys and passed ISO 14067 third-party verification
In response to standards trends, establish a systematic carbon footprint calculation platform
Occupational health and safety 1. ISO 45001 Continuous Improvement
2. Identification of risks and hazards
3. Enterprise risk management
No major safety accidents No major safety accidents

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