Simplo Technology Group Sustainability Policy" covers the three major aspects of ESG, and serves as the highest guidelines of Simplo's sustainable development to implement ESG and enhance the corporate competitiveness, launching the company toward corporate sustainable development.




Sustainability Strategy and Goals

In order to respond to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Simplo identified 7 SDGs with its own core advantages through the consensus meeting of the company's senior executives, and summarized the development priorities of sustainable issues. Through internal communication and grasping the needs of stakeholders, Simplo was able to formulate short-, medium-, and long-term sustainable goals.


Responding to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

SDG Value Connection Actions
Providing a comprehensive welfare system and ensuring a safe working environment to protect employee health.
  • Third-party certification for ISO 45001
  • Establishment of the “Occupational Health and Safety Committee”
  • Employees receive regular free health checkups every year. In 2023, a total of 1,976 employees participated in the health checkups.
Creating a friendly workplace environment to help employees achieve a healthy balance between work and life.
  • Establishing human rights policies to eliminate all violations of human rights
  • Providing employees with the option to apply for unpaid parental leave based on their family needs
  • Setting up breastfeeding rooms in each plant area
  • Conducting human rights-related training through employee training courses, with 46,679 participants and a 99.9% participation rate
Improving energy efficiency and increasing the utilization rate of renewable energy.
  • Positioned the new business of energy storage
  • Built in-house solar power generation equipment in the plants
  • Signed green power contract
  • Introduced the ISO 50001 energy management system
Dedicated to helping customers produce environmentally friendly products, introducing eco-design, and committed to the R&D of green innovative products.
  • Held the “New Green Innovation Sparks Sustainability”
  • Continuous circular economy solution for PCR plastic and packaging material recycling
  • Established green product information, completed two product carbon footprint surveys and passed third-party ISO 14067 verification
Worked with partners in the value chain to protect the environment, uphold human rights, and comply with ethical standards to enhance sustainable competitiveness.
  • Promulgation of the sustainable supply chain management policies
  • Signed the Supplier Commitment to the Code of Conduct
  • Conducted ESG and human rights risk investigations across the supply chain
Identifying climate change risks and opportunities, devising mitigation and adaptation actions, and implementing comprehensive carbon management actions
  • SBTi target validated: Absolute GHG emissions for Scope 1 and 2 reduced by 51% compared to the 2020 base year by 2030. Absolute GHG emissions for Scope 3 “purchased goods and services” reduced by 25%
  • Joining RE100 and commits to using 100% renewable energy by 2040
Establishing sustainable partnerships centering on mutual prosperity
  • Responded to international initiatives
  • Held a sustainable supply chain conference with 83 suppliers participating
  • Publishing 10 CPO letters to communicate ESG expectations to key suppliers