Advanced Survivor Squads

If you haven't already read the Survivors Basics Guide and don't understand how survivors work, please refer to that quick guide first. Before starting this one. Then check out the Beginner Squads Guide to get up to speed on the general process to prioritizing your Survivors. We will assume you have some of that knowledge already but we will go over some stuff to some degree.

Step One: Slot Matching Lead Survivors
Just like last time you want to put the highest rarity, matching squad type, Lead Survivor in each squad. We will assume you have matching Leaders for every Squad of at least Epic quality by now. The more Mythics/Legendaries the better. Remember, these Leaders give you the biggest gains.
Every squad should have a Lead Survivor in it now and an additional seven empty slots. We have established what each Squads Personality Type is so we know who to slot next. Next step is adding the highest rarity Subordinate Survivors you have available, with matching Personality Types. If it's Legendary, do all Legendaries. Let's hope by now you have Epic or above for most every slot, if not all of them.
Step Two: Prioritize your Squads and Set Bonuses
Prioritizing is the next step. Make a mental order for yourself. Get to know what your priorities are when it comes to what Squads you like most and what Set Bonuses you might be trying to match. Knowing what you like is key. Only people at the end of the game will be able to max out everything. If that's you, congratulations! It's quite an achievement! If not, customization can go in many different directions and comes down to which subclass you like playing the most.
- Someone may prefer to main an Outlander who is highly focused on the T.E.D.D.Y. ability like the Enforcer subclass. They may want to focus on maxing out those Tech Squads, the Think Tank and Corps of Engineering first. They may also want to prioritize Set Bonuses like +% Ability Damage Bonus and +% Shield Bonus to take advantage of their best traits. Let's do another hypothetical.
- Perhaps someone may prefer to main a Constructor subclass who primarily focuses on traps and trap damage. They may want to focus on maxing out those same Tech Squads but may choose to instead focus on Set Bonuses like +% Trap Damage Bonus and +% Trap Durability.
- What about a Constructor who primarily focuses on melee damage instead of traps? Maybe +% Melee Damage Bonus and +% Health Bonus. You can do a lot of different stuff.
- Soldiers with +% Ranged Damage Bonuses and +% Health Bonus or Ninja's with +% Melee Damage Bonus and +% Shield Bonus. It goes on and on and will be different for everybody.
It really boils down to your personal play style preferences when determining what you want to focus on attempting to max out. There's a lot of different areas to branch out into. You really have to investigate further into your subclasses of choice that you prefer to play and understand the nuances of them. Then go from there and make wise decisions that benefit what you're trying to do.

Step Three: Add Highest Rarity Level Survivors
We have our priorities set. We have our Lead Survivors slotted. Now we are going to match Survivors to Personality Matches where we can and try to match some Set Bonuses at the same time. If a Lead Survivor is a Dreamer Personality Type for example, you're going to want to go find your highest rarity level Dreamer Personality Type Survivors to put into that Survivor Squad. All that matters is that it's your current highest one. Skip non-matches for now.
Focus on your priorities now. You either have enough guys to max out all of your squads or you don't. If you don't, put your highest Survivors in the Squads you want to prioritize most. Keep those Set Bonuses in mind, too. Then move on to the non-matches.

Step Four: Add Next Best Survivor Non-Matches
After you're done adding the highest rarity Personality Matches, we move on to the non-matches. Keep your priorities in mind again. Focus on maxing out your Squads of choice. Then focus on hitting those Set Bonuses of choice. It's all about finding the maximum benefit of what you have available. It differs for everybody. Most people don't have enough Survivors to have a lot of choices. In that case, just take what you can get, like I did above.
Remember these quick facts when slotting the non-matches. A Mythic Survivor will have a higher Power Level than a Legendary, even if it's not matching and the Legendary is. Focus on leveling up your Mythics. The threshold for using a Legendary non-match over an Epic Personality Match is level 26.

Step Five: End Results
At the end of the day, the ultimate goal to leveling in Save the World is to have the perfect setup of Survivor Squads based off of your own play style. There is nothing more rewarding in the game than creating the perfect squad synergy. It may take a long time to get the perfect squad, if you ever do but we always keep striving for that. It's a long journey, just don't forget to enjoy the process and have fun along the way!
Good luck leveling! If you have any questions regarding the terminology used, refer back to the Survivors Basics Guide or Contact Us or hit us up on our Social Media channels if you have more questions.
TL;DR - Advanced Survivor Squads
If you need a quick reference to all the items above. Check out the cheatsheet below.
- Leveling Survivors
- Level Leads over Subordinates.
- Level Survivors 1-10 before 10-20. So on and so forth.
- Level up the highest Rarity Level Survivors you have first. Mythic > Legendary > Epic > Rare > Uncommon > Common.
- Prioritize your Survivors for Slotting
- First and foremost you want to use the highest Power Level Survivors you have in each slot.
- Know what Squads you want to prioritize leveling up most over the others.
- Know what Set Bonuses make sense for you and your favorite subclasses.
- Slot Lead Survivors First
- Slot highest level Leader Match Lead Survivors in all Squads available.
- Slot highest level Non-Matching Lead Survivors in all remaining Squads available. If any.
- Slot Subordinate Survivors Second
- Add highest level Personality Matches first.
- Add highest level non-matches second.
- Match Set Bonuses when you can.
- Enjoy the higher Power gains!