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Entries Tagged ‘Batman’:

First image of Jason Momoa as Aquaman in Batman vs Superman released


Jason Momoa will be playing Aquaman in the forthcoming Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice movie. The image above is our first look at what his character will look like on the big screen. The Warner Bros/DC Entertainment film is set to be released on March 25th, 2016. The movie will also feature Henry Cavill as Superman, Ben Affleck as Batman and Gail Gadot as Wonder Woman.

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$20 Game of the Week: Injustice – The Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox 360)

Note: The PS4 version of this title is free for the rest of January 2015 for PS+ members.


Created by NetherRealm studios (the same people behind 2011’s blockbuster Mortal Kombat reboot), Injustice is the first good DC comics game that doesn’t have Batman in the title, nor involves legos. Injustice’s plot, gameplay, features, and character selection makes it the perfect game for both DC comics fans and fighting game aficionados alike. The Ultimate Edition sweetens the pot by adding all the dlc that was previously released from the game. That means you get all the extra costumes, extra characters, and Star Labs missions that were previously released.

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Marvel and DC Movie Updates – DC Blinks, Moves Batman v Superman Release


Image from

Four months ago, after the success of the Captain America: Winter Soldier’s opening weekend, Marvel announced that Captain America 3 would be produced and released on May 6, 2016. This is the same date that DC’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice film was slated. This was widely seen as shots fired across DC’s bow, whose film franchise plans depend widely upon the success of Batman v Superman. If DC has any hope of replicating Marvel’s film franchise success, it needs Batman v Superman to do well, as it will introduce, not only a new Batman (portrayed by Ben Affleck), but also Wonder Woman (played by Gal Gadot) in a lead up to what is widely speculated to be a Justice League movie.

Today, in a move that has suprised few, DC and Warner Bros. have announced a new release date, March 25th, 2016.

Additionally, Warner Bros. announced 9 more theatrical release dates for as yet unnamed films. See them and more speculation after the break!
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Batman: Strange Days animated short celebrates 75 years of Batman

Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the caped crusader, DC Entertainment has released an animated short from Bruce Timm. The short is a throw back to the 40’s era of Batman’s origin featuring Hugo Strange, one of the dark knight’s very first recurring villains. We will reportedly be seeing more anniversary related treats soon. Keep your eyes peeled!

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$20 Game of the Week: Batman – Arkham City (PS3, PC, Xbox 360, Wii U)

Rocksteady’s Batman: Arkham Asylum wasn’t just the first good Batman game since the 16-bit days (well, the first good Batman game that didn’t involve Lego at least), it did for the caped crusader what games like Spider-Man 2, Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, and The Punisher did for their respective heroes: It put players into the role of a comic book superhero like never before. You weren’t just moving him around the screen and punching out opponents, you could make Batman do all the cool stuff that you saw in the comics and movies. You could sneak up behind enemies and take them out one by one, hang from above and dive in on a hapless foe, and effortlessly take out groups of armed thugs with little or no effort. You could even tap into his detective skills to find hidden objects and secrets. The game’s sequel, Arkham City (hinted at in a secret hidden room in Arkham Asylum) gives players an entire open world to experience.
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Wonder Woman is Gal Gadot in Batman/Superman film

GAL GADOT at Fast & Furious 6 Premiere Wonder_woman

Rumors of Wonder Woman’s casting have been swirling for years and that has only heated up with rumors that the Amazon might appear in the forthcoming Batman/Superman film featuring Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill, respectively. The HollywoodReporter is reporting that actress Gal Gadot has been cast for the role in the Man of Steel sequel.

“Wonder Woman is arguably one of the most powerful female characters of all time and a fan favorite in the DC Universe. Not only is Gal an amazing actress, but she also has that magical quality that makes her perfect for the role. We look forward to audiences discovering Gal in the first feature film incarnation of this beloved character.” -director Zack Snyder.

This will be Gadot’s first time in a leading role after having portrayed mostly supporting roles in notable films in several of the Fast & Furious movies and Knight and Day.

gal-gadot-wonder-woman-01 Gal-Gadot-and-Dwayne-Johnson-on-Set-in-Fast-and-Furious-6

Gal seems to have the right look, but she has a very small frame. I would have imagined a female body builder more in line with the look for the role. This seems like a hard sell. I look forward to seeing how they will make it work.

[Source: HollywoodReporter]

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Canceled Volume 4: A Thanksgiving Maximum Letdown Special


This Thanksgiving, we show thanks for the many things that we have. We as gamers are also particularly thankful for the many games that have been released or are on their way, considering that there are so many that don’t make it off the drawing board. On the flip-side, we should also be thankful for all the crappy video games that have been left on the cutting room floor that gamers and critics never had to endure. Without any further ado, lets take a look at 10 of these cancellations, some of which are especially heartbreaking.
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INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us gets Ultimate in new trailer

Warner Bros. and DC’s Mortal Kombat style game, INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us, has gotten itself a ‘Game of the Year’ edition. Dubbing it the Ultimate Edition, this version will feature all of the downloadable content, in addition to the base game, available on disc. It also mentions the new availability for PS4, PSVita and PC, not to mention a mobile version of the game on iPhone and iPad, coming soon to Android.

This edition of the game is currently available as of November 12th on Amazon.

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