I’m a huge fan of Ben Folds Five. Caught them by accident on a side stage at Lollapalooza in 1996 while waiting for The Ramones and went on to see them live eight more times before they disbanded in 2000. They reunited last year and will release their 4th album, T
he Sound Of Life And Mind on September 18, 2012.
And now to talk about the above clip. The music video for the first single “Do It Anyway” has been produced in cooperation with Chris Hardwick and Lisa Henson, heir to Jim Henson productions. It features the return of another long dormant band, Fraggle Rock. Out of production since 1987, Fraggles have made sparse appearances in Muppet productions over the last decades, thought a feature film remains in pre-production at the Weinstein Company since 2005.
The combination of a beloved band and beloved children’s show is nothing new. In fact, Jim Henson Productions made a video pairing
The Muppet Show and Weezer in 2002. Still, the effort is warmly welcomed, as this heralds the return of a band and a TV show that has only been in reruns for most of my adult life.
Can anyone explain why Anna Kendrick was in this video?