Monday, March 22, 2021

Forgotten TV ep 40-Angie

The 1979-80 ABC series Angie is fully considered. Starring Donna Pescow, Robert Hays, Sharon Spelman, Doris Roberts, and Debralee Scott. Series developers Alan Eisenstock & Larry Mintz appear in the interview segment.


0-52:05 Intro-series overview

52:05-2:01:05 Behind The Scenes

2:01:05-2:45:50 Conversation with Alan Eisenstock & Larry Mintz

2:45:50-end After Angie/wrapup

Buy Angie on DVD!

Robert Hays can be found on Cameo.

Visit Alan Eisenstock at

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Forgotten TV Amazon Wishlist

Happier Days by Marley Brandt
The Naked Truth by Jean-Pierre Dorleac
Raised by the Stars by Nick Thomas
Unsold TV Pilots by Lee Goldberg
Amazon links are affiliate.

Forgotten TV is not affiliated with or authorized by any production company or TV network involved in the making of any TV show or film mentioned in this podcast. All mentioned TV series, specials, movies, commercials, and clips are the property of their respective copyright holders. 

Copyright 2021 Forgotten TV Media

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Forgotten TV ep 39- Automan

The 1983-84 ABC series Automan is fully considered.


0-54:12 Intro/Automan episode review
54:12-1:28:07 Behind the Scenes Pt 1
1:28:07-end Behind the Scenes Pt 2/wrapup

Billy Hinsche Facebook

Hewlogram video

Hewlogram-Behind the Scenes

Automan theme renditions
Javier Bustacara Ruiz
Richard Korpel
Bullbayliss Music
Wolf Heathen - Chiptune & Synthwave
The Time Warp


Support Forgotten TV with Paypal

Podcast published at

Forgotten TV Amazon Wishlist

Amazon links are affiliate.

Etheric Echoes by Dreamstate Logic used with permission under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license

Forgotten TV is not affiliated with or authorized by any production company or TV network involved in the making of any TV show or film mentioned in this podcast. All mentioned TV series, specials, movies, commercials, and clips are the property of their respective copyright holders. 

Copyright 2020 Forgotten TV Media

Friday, October 30, 2020

Forgotten TV ep 38-Spooky Retro Clip Show

Just some fun on this episode featuring a trip down memory lane throughout the 70s and 80s with commercials, special episode promos, long-forgotten TV specials, clips, songs, old PSAs, bumpers, horror host intros....its a spoooky clip show on this episode of Forgotten TV! 


Support Forgotten TV with Paypal-one time or recurring

Forgotten TV Amazon Wishlist

Amazon links are affiliate.

Forgotten TV is not affiliated with or authorized by any production company or TV network involved in the making of any TV show or film mentioned in this podcast. All mentioned TV series, specials, movies, commercials, and clips are the property of their respective copyright holders. 

Copyright 2020 Forgotten TV Media

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Forgotten TV ep 37-James at 15

A complete look at the 1977-78 NBC series James at 15. Including interviews with show creator Dan Wakefield and writer April Smith.


0-1:21:45  Intro and episode review

1:21:45-2:08:45 Behind the Scenes

2:08:45-3:29:40 Interviews

3:29:40-3:49:25 Wrapup/final thoughts


Support Forgotten TV with Paypal-one time or recurring

Forgotten TV Amazon Wishlist

Amazon links are affiliate.

Dan Wakefield's books on Amazon

April Smith's books on Amazon

Lee Montgomery/Laury Shelly's Go Fund Me

Music stingers/bumpers are used under license from Epidemic Sound. "Stringed Disco" by Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Forgotten TV is not affiliated with or authorized by any production company or TV network involved in the making of any TV show or film mentioned in this podcast.  

Copyright 2020 Forgotten TV Media

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Forgotten TV Supplemental 8-The Complete History of Aunt Jemima

Normally a Patreon exclusive, this supplemental podcast accompanies episode 36 on Black TV history.

A review of the origin of the minstrel show as well as a complete history of Aunt Jemima is considered.

Aunt Jemima is a trademark of Quaker Oats and Pepsico.


Support Forgotten TV with Paypal-one time or recurring

Forgotten TV Amazon Wishlist

Clinging to Mammy: The Faithful Slave in Twentieth-Century America  by Micki McElya
Slave in a Box by M M Manring

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Forgotten TV ep 36-An Overview of Black TV History 1939-1980

From the early representations in experimental broadcasts to the contributions of the Dumont Network; to the thin appearances on 1950s TV; to the integration and beginnings of equality in the 1960s; to the sometimes controversial sitcoms of the 1970s; and the foundation of BET in 1980, this podcast presents an overview of Black TV history.

0-1:09:40 Background/1939-1959
1:09:40-1:47:05 1960s
1:47:05-end 1970s and conclusion



Support Forgotten TV with Paypal-one time or recurring

Forgotten TV Amazon Wishlist

 Primetime Blues by Donald Bogle

Encyclopedia of Television edited by Horace Newcomb
Our Gang: A Racial History of The Little Rascals by Julia Lee

 The music track Astray by Alec Slayne is used under license from Epidemic Sound.

Forgotten TV is not affiliated with or authorized by any production company or TV network involved in the making of any TV show or film mentioned in this podcast.  Amazon links are affiliate.

Copyright 2020 Forgotten TV Media

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Forgotten TV ep 35-The Whiz Kids Stars Speak

Conversations with Whiz Kids actors Madelyn Cain, Andrea Elson, Todd Porter, and Adrienne DeGuere.
0 Intro/Madelyn Cain
26:38 Andrea Elson
57:50 Todd Porter
1:41:00 Adrienne DeGuere
Please like the Whiz Kids page on Facebook and visit the Whiz Kids blog!
Podcast published at
The music tracks Catch Up by Falcon Dives and I Think I Was There by Emil Axelsson are used under license from Epidemic Sound.
Forgotten TV is not affiliated with or authorized by CBS, Universal Television, Elephant Films, NBCUniversal or any production company involved in the making of any TV show or film mentioned in this podcast.  Amazon links are affiliate.
Copyright 2020 Forgotten TV Media

Monday, March 2, 2020

Forgotten TV ep 34-Whiz Kids Part Two: Behind The Scenes

A complete look at behind the scenes of 1983's Whiz Kids, including interview with co-creator Bob Shayne. Due to length, please note the following timecodes:
Behind the scenes of Whiz Kids 0-1:06:30
Bob Shayne Interview 1:06:30-2:24:45
After Whiz Kids/Legacy of show 2:24:45-end
Special thanks to Bob Shayne, Madelyn Cain, Andrea Elson, Todd Porter, Max Gail, Linda Scruggs DeGuere, Adrienne DeGuere, Tammy Taylor, Robbie Rist, Paul Chihara, Craig Buck, and Wayne Correia.
Please like the Whiz Kids page on Facebook and visit the Whiz Kids blog!
Podcast published at
The music tracks Catch Up by Falcon Dives and I Think I Was There by Emil Axelsson are used under license from Epidemic Sound.
Forgotten TV is not affiliated with or authorized by CBS, Universal Television, Elephant Films, NBCUniversal or any production company involved in the making of any TV show or film mentioned in this podcast.  Amazon links are affiliate.
Copyright 2020 Forgotten TV Media

Friday, January 31, 2020

Forgotten TV ep 33-Whiz Kids Part One

The origins and each episode of 1983's Whiz Kids is considered! 
Special thanks to Bob Shayne, Robbie Rist, and Tammy Taylor.
Full length interviews with Bob Shayne and actors Madelyn Cain and Andrea Elson can be heard in the Patreon podcast feed and will be published here as part of this podcast series.
Please like the Whiz Kids page on Facebook and visit the Whiz Kids blog!
Podcast published at
The music track Cold War Games by Gabriel Lewis is used under license from Epidemic Sound.
Forgotten TV is not affiliated with or authorized by CBS, Universal Television, Elephant Films, or any production company involved in the making of any TV show or film mentioned in this podcast.  Amazon links are affiliate.
Copyright 2020 Forgotten TV Media

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Forgotten TV 2019 End of Year Supplemental

  • Forgotten TV News
  • Future Cop supplemental/state of packaged media
  • Kolchak supplemental/history of Zoltan amusement
  • Obituaries
  • Whiz Kids sneak preview
Amazon links are affiliate.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Forgotten TV ep 31-Future Cop

The 1976 TV movie, 1977 ABC series, and 1978 NBC TV movie based on Future Cop is fully explored.
Etheric Echoes by Dreamstate Logic used with permission under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license
Amazon links are affiliate.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Forgotten TV ep 30-Tales of the Gold Monkey

The 1982-83 ABC TV series Tales of the Gold Monkey is considered, featuring a two hour interview with producer Tom Greene.
Due to length, segment times are included for your convenience.
0-30:15 Intro/Pilot Movie recap/discussion
30:15-1:31:22 Series episode breakdown
1:31:22-1:55:34 Behind The Scenes
1:55:34-3:58:00 Tom Greene Interview
3:58:00-end After Gold Monkey/Concluding Thoughts
Podcast published at
Amazon links are affiliate.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Podbean's Top Featured Podcast and Site of the Week

Thanks to Podbean for not only featuring, but making Forgotten TV the Site of the Week!
To new visitors just popping in today, Come On Along and pursue the high road to adventure! Join Jake Cutter, a pilot with nerves of steel...and a thirst for danger...he's a reckless soldier of fortune...and a persuasive charmer...defying death with every fall...a brand new series of daring and courage...The Gold Monkey, Wednesdays this fall!

Trailer dropping soon for Tales of the Gold Monkey podcast! Add Forgotten TV to your podcast app now to not miss out on the adventure and all the upcoming shows in store!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Forgotten TV Short Cast-Gene Roddenberry and Tarzan

New Forgotten TV Short Cast posted to Patreon!
"Gene Roddenberry and Tarzan"

Additional information on Gene Roddenberry that didn't make it into the show; I debunk another modern claim about Gene-and all about that crazy sexed-up Tarzan; as well as the story of his marriage in Japan to Majel Barrett while on location, scouting for Tarzan.
Support Forgotten TV on Patreon for as little as $1/month to become a producer and gain access to this exclusive content. 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Become A Forgotten TV Producer

It has arrived. You can now support Forgotten TV on Patreon for as little as $1 a month and help produce the podcast. Over the past two years, Forgotten TV has become a leading authority on obscure TV from the 70s/80s, earning compliments from several entertainment industry professionals. During this time, the podcast has had no advertising and has averaged around $5 a month in affiliate revenue. How many podcasts do you listen to that do not begin with a commercial for a mattress, underwear, meal service, or a shave club?
Producing Forgotten TV is not free for me. What started as a weekend hobby in the laundry room has evolved into nearly a professional production with an enclosed studio constructed in my brother's garage. I now spend an average of nearly $75 a month on hosting, website domain, and a subscription in addition to the purchase of DVDs and books for research. This includes a monthly payment on new equipment/microphones I just obtained to further improve and streamline the production quality of the podcast, as well as make remote interviews and in studio guests easier to accomplish. All this is laid out on the Patreon page. 
This year, Uncle Sam has sprung a total surprise with not only no refund, but an unprecedented tax bill I will be paying out for months. Your support is greatly appreciated and with it, I hope to bring you the podcast for years to come.

Become a Patron!
If you don't use Patreon, or just want to make a one time donation, click the Paypal link below. You can also support Forgotten TV and even help program the podcast by using the Amazon Wishlist and get me the DVD of the show you want to see reviewed.

Thank you for listening to Forgotten TV!

Friday, February 1, 2019

Forgotten TV ep 27-Logan's Run

The 1977-78 CBS series/adaptation of Logan's Run is considered.
Due to length, segment times are included for your convenience.
0-31:44 Intro/Pilot
31:44 The Series
1:28:44 Behind the Scenes
TV themes/clips
Logan's Run film teaser trailer 
Logan's Run film radio spots
Logan's Run TV theme
Sources of quotes and background information:
Podcast published at
Amazon links are affiliate.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Forgotten TV ep 26-Man From Atlantis

The 1977-78 NBC TV movies and series Man From Atlantis is considered. 
Due to length, segment times are included for your convenience.
0-45:33 Intro/The Movies
45:33 The Series
1:18:05 Behind the Scenes
1:44:45 Memorial/Next Time Segments
TV themes/clips
Atlantis by Audionautix
Man From Atlantis theme
Star Wars 1977 TV spot
Radio Shack Realistic 77 TV commercial
1977 Sony Betamax VCR commercial
1976 Patrick Duffy Taco Bell commercial

Man From Atlantis: Complete Television Series DVD

Sources of quotes and background information
The music 'Atlantis' by Audionautix used is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Podcast published at

Man From Atlantis: The Complete TV Movies DVD 

Man From Atlantis: Complete Television Series DVD

Amazon links are affiliate.