The flue takes me away to Swallen Lands
For me to think about my deadly sins.
And change my life... I see a lot of friends.
Unfaithful wives and hisbands are like twins.
My heart becomes a pulsing River V
That goes along those giant legs of mine.
My head is a volcano within me.
I count the bursts - one, two, three, four - no rhyme.
And my beloved God, though far away,
Tests me again... Oh, thank you, thank you, Lord!
I see a lot of black, a little grey.
I am a fish caught by a fishing rod.
Oh, God, don't turn away your sparkling eyes.
I'm your unworthy slave, but still I'm yours.
I know, I don't deserve Your Paradize,
But still... don't leave, don't flap your heavenly oars.
Last year I was scared by Your Light.
Who wouldn't be, but for cold and glittering stars...
While I'm a wreched sinner and Your Might
Left in my heart appauling, hurting scars...
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