Category: Application settings

How to set up screens with cards

Nobody knows better than the user himself what information he wants to see about his car. As a developer I prefer not to guess the user’s wishes, but give him the ability to customize the look of the key pages of the application. And it’s easier than it seems at the first glance.

Application Settings

On the one hand the excessive number of program settings may confuse both the user and the developer. On the other hand – the lack of flexibility accuses the developer for megalomania or unjustifiable laziness. Our customization – a compromise of the two extremes 😉

First Launch

When you first start the program you will see an offer hard to refuse – add the main transport (car, motorcycle, moped). Only four screens, and they can be moved back and forth with a scrolling gesture. At first glance, questions will arise, but it will not prevent a couple of clarifications: People who re-installed the program and have the data backed up –…