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Ñæàòèå âèäåî - Preprocessing

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Passant V. Karunaratne, C. Andrew Segall, and Aggelos K. Katsaggelos A RATE-DISTORTION OPTIMAL VIDEO PRE-PROCESSING ALGORITHM
Pre-processing algorithms improve the quality of a compression system by removing unimportant data before encoding. This enhances both the visual quality and coding efficiency of the system. In this paper, we cast the pre-processing problem in the operational rate-distortion framework. Filtering the displaced frame difference is the focus, and the proposed method couples the choice of the quantization scale to the response of the prefilter. Coding errors are then addressed by penalizing significant differences between coded blocks. Finally, experimental results illustrate the efficacy of the method within the context of an MPEG-2 coding scenario.
RAR  149 êáàéò
Passant V. Karunaratne, C. Andrew Segall, and Aggelos K. Katsaggelos Pre-processing of compressed digital video
RAR  2707 êáàéò

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- Ïî öâåòîâûì ïðîñòðàíñòâàì
- Ïî JPEG-2000

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