Цветкова Галина : другие произведения.

The point of no return

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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That's the point of no return:
Yesterday I had no time to learn.

Test on the lesson, it's hard to believe,
I can't understand it, I don't want to live!

I ask my neighbor, but she cannot say,
The worst mark for knowledge - this is me way.

Starring at blackboard - there's noting I see,
And suddenly wonderful thing near me.

A white little paper laid on the floor,
Kind pupil wrote answers, I need nothing more!

The angels from heavens have saved me today,
And now I can change the score of the game.

I know there is something good on he earth,
I love all the world from south to north!

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