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Friday, September 12, 2014

Just a Card

Knock, knock - anybody home? Um... clearly I've been slacking BIG time in the whole 'blog' department lately - so sorry. My short hiatus from crafting turned into a loooong break altogether and now I find myself only creating cards and small items for gifts and such. I reeeeaaally want to try to get back at it - inspiration is lacking however. In any regard, I have actually managed to create a few things here and there - which I remembered to take photos of prior to giving away as gifts. The scrapbooker in me will live on!
Here is a card I created for a sweet friend for her 40th birthday. A whole lotta 7 Dots Studio papers on this gem as well as metal pieces from Graphic 45. Two of my fave manufacturers!
Thanks so much for staying with me. I do apologize for my absence and will try to post more content on this little blog of mine - whether it be craft related or family related or me related. Sound good? Cheers my friends!

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Happy Thursday! I wanted to share another project that I did for 7 Dots Studio while I was guesting for them this past month. Sooo loving the cool tones in this Cold Country Collection!
Lots of distressing and layering - as always!  Don`t be afraid to get rough with your papers - rip them, tear them, distress them with your edger - I even crumple up my vintage music and newsprint papers before adding to my project for extra dimension as well as a more worn look.

Found objects from my stash - a mixture of metal buttons, embellishments, wooden accents and doilies - of course!
Thanks so much for stopping by today! Be back soon to post some more crafty creations!

Patterned Paper: Cold Country by 7 Dots Studio
Elements Stickers 6x12: Cold Country by 7 Dots Studio
Tags 12x12: Illumination by 7 Dots Studio
Tags 12x12: Dreamer by 7 Dots Studio
Edge Scraper: Making Memories
Metal Hinges and Plates: Graphic 45
Metal Embellishments: Bo Bunny
Adhesive: Tacky Glue by Aleens, E-Z Runner by Scrapbook Adhesives
Misc:  Vintage music paper, paper doilies, flowers, wooden title & doily

Friday, July 11, 2014

7 Dots Love

Its been ridiculously long since I last posted on my beloved blog. Its been even longer it seems, since I last created something.  Crazy.  I love papercrafting - but for awhile I had so many assignments and projects with due dates that it seemed to take the enjoyment out of the craft.  So I stopped.  Completely.  Very strange to go from creating a minimum of 15 projects a month to absolutely nothing.  But I needed a break.

I miss it now.  REALLY miss it.  I no longer walk by my craft table and feel nothing. Rather, I feel like getting my Gesso and inks out and my fave papers and just going crazy.  No boundaries, no due dates - just creating for the sake of creating. 

I have to say however, that being on several design teams is what pushed me in the first place.  It challenged my creative limits and pushed me further than I would have pushed myself.  Perhaps its time I jumped back into the Scrapbooking world...its been too long!

A wonderful friend of mine asked me several months ago if I would be interested in Guesting for them sometime.. of course I agreed.  I had worked with 7 Dots for a few years prior and to be back working with their amazing papers and products was a delight.  Thank you Tusia for the nudge I needed to get back into my groove.
The first layout I created was using the gorgeously grungy Cold Country Collection.  Loving the soft tones in this line.  I find my style is leaning more shabby, grungy lately?  Weird...
Still addicted to as many layers as I can possibly fit onto a page.  I just need the dimension on my projects for them to feel 'done'.  I've also added a heap of metal embellishments from Graphic 45.
Thank you guys for sticking around even though there hasn't been much to see as of late... I have a few more projects to share with you this week so stay tuned!! 

Patterned Paper: Cold Country by 7 Dots Studio
Elements Stickers 6x12: Cold Country by 7 Dots Studio
Elements Stickers 12x12: Dreamer by 7 Dots Studio
Tags 12x12: Illumination by 7 Dots Studio
Tags 12x12: Dreamer by 7 Dots Studio
Clear Stamps: Cold Country by 7 Dots Studio
Ink: ColorBox Pigment Ink in Archival Black
Edge Scraper: Making Memories
Metal Hinges and Plates: Graphic 45
Metal Embellishments: Bo Bunny
Adhesive: Tacky Glue by Aleens, E-Z Runner by Scrapbook Adhesives
Misc:  Vintage music paper, paper doilies

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