11th International Conference NEET 2019

11th International Conference

New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation

Zakopane, Poland, June 25 - 28, 2019


Application Form




NEET 2019 We would like to kindly invite you to take part in the 11th International Conference "New Electrical and Electronic Technologies and their Industrial Implementation" NEET 2019, which will be held in 2019 The Conference will be devoted to the presentation of new developments and research results within the domain of electrical engineering and electronics. It is also meant to be a forum for an exchange of views and experience between scientists and industrial specialists of European countries and other continents.


Topic of Conference
  • New design solutions for electrical devices
  • Microprocessor technologies in control and automatic systems
  • Technologies applied in microelectronics
  • Materials applied in electrical engineering and electronics and methods for their modification
  • Computer simulation of technological processes
  • Optoelectronic technologies applied to the device operation monitoring
  • Electrostatic technologies and their application in the industry and environment protection
  • Modern systems of the information protection and transfer
  • Implementation of new technologies - experience and difficulties

The Conference fee

In the 2019 year conference is exempt from VAT in force in previous years. The conference fee amount depends on the accommodation selection. There is also a traveling option to go to Zakopane by bus starting from Lublin on June 24, 2019.

Single room Double room Accompanying person
Base fee 2500 PLN 2300 PLN 1200 PLN
Arrival June 24th 250 PLN 250 PLN 250 PLN
Departure by bus from
Lublin to Zakopane with the Organizers
200 PLN 200 PLN 200 PLN

Politechnika Lubelska
20 - 618 Lublin, ul. Nadbystrzycka 38D
Bank PEKAO S.A. O/Lublin
78 1240 5497 1111 0000 5006 2364
with note NEET

The Conference fee cover
  • Accommodation and board
  • Participation in the conference sessions
  • Publication of the abstracts in the Conference Proceedings
  • A post-conference publication of one article in scientific-engineering journal "Przegląd Elektrotechniczny"
  • Coffee, tea and other drinks during breaks
  • Welcome banquet
  • Excursion
  • Farewell dinner
Department of Electrical Devices and High Voltage Technology
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Lublin University of Technology
38a, Nadbystrzycka Street
20 - 618 Lublin, POLAND

tel.: 81 538 47 13
fax: 81 538 45 75

e-mail: neet@pollub.pl