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A pillar for peace is the people's right to freely determine their own destiny.


(Tibetan translation)

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A Time for Reflection and Renewal: An Open Letter from the Secretary General of the UNPO

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A Time for Reflection and Renewal: An Open Letter from the Secretary General of the UNPO

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Assemblea and the UNPO send a complaint to the UN Special Rapporteurs denouncing Spain’s abuse of anti-terrorism charges to target Catalan activists

Know more about


Population: 6 million Tibetans and 7.5 million Chinese
Area: 2.5 million square kilometers
Language: Tibetan
Religions: predominantly Tibetan Buddhism; Tibetan Muslims; Tibetan Christians
Ethnic Groups: Tibetan, Hui Chinese, Han Chinese, Mongolians 

UNPO Academy

The UNPO Academy equips the peoples in our member communities, activists, human rights defenders, but also academics, policymakers and the general public with essential information and tools to advance the rights of unrepresented nations and peoples worldwide, empowering them to drive meaningful change

UN Advocacy Training Pack
human rights mechanism

We have prepared these training materials as a series of thematic sessions. These are broken down into 4 ‘day’ workshops, each lasting between 4-5 hours without breaks.

Digital Security Training Pack
digital security

This toolkit will provide activists with the necessary information to browse online while being aware of the possible cyber risks.

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