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Errata Fixed in Unicode 12.0.0

This page contains the definitive listing of all errata of record since the publication of The Unicode Standard, Version 11.0 and considered resolved by the release of Unicode Version 12.0. These errata are listed by date in the table below. For prior errata resolved in Unicode 11.0 and earlier, see Errata Fixed in Unicode 11.0.

For errata still pending subsequent to the release of Unicode 12.0.0, see the list of current Updates and Errata.

Date  Summary 
2018-06-06 In Version 11.0 of the Unicode Character Database, there is an error in one entry in the file Index.txt. The entry for Makasar in the file has a typo in the code point for the start of the block:
Makasar 1EE0
should be corrected to:
Makasar 11EE0
2018-10-19 The glyph shown for U+A86D PHAGS-PA LETTER ALTERNATE YA is incorrect and does not follow source material. It will be updated in a future version of the standard. The incorrect glyph is shown below on the left, and the correct glyph is on the right:
U+A86D old and new
(For further information, please refer to document L2/18-280.)
2018-12-03 In Version 11.0 of the Unicode Standard, the T-Source glyph T3-577E for character U+6ABC is incorrect. The incorrect and correct glyphs are shown in the images below. The corrected glyph has a "tree" radical on the left side of the character, instead of a "hand" radical. The glyph will be updated in a future version of the standard.
Incorrect: T-6ABC-wrong.jpg
Correct: T-6ABC-wrong.jpg
2019-02-14 In Version 11.0 of the Unicode Standard, the V-Source glyph V2-742D for character U+200DD is incorrect. The incorrect and correct glyphs are shown in the images below. The incorrect glyph is identical to that of U+52DC. The glyph will be updated in a future version of the standard.
Incorrect: V-200DD-wrong.jpg
Correct: V-200DD-right.jpg