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221 Proposed Update UAX #44: Unicode Character Database 2012.07.23
Status: Closed
Originator: UTC
Informal Discussion: Unicode Mail List (Join)
Formal Feedback: Contact Form
Resolution: The UAX will be updated with final content and published as part of Unicode 6.2.

Description of Issue:

This Unicode Standard Annex will be updated for Unicode 6.2. The proposed update is now available for general public review and comment.

The text of UAX #44 is being updated to reflect various decisions of the UTC regarding the Unicode Character Database. The status of Script_Extensions has been updated to informative and the type of Bidi_Mirroring has been updated from String to Miscellaneous. The Unicode_1_Name property has been marked as obsolete. A clarification has been added regarding change control for normative and informative property values.

For information about how to discuss this issue and how to supply formal feedback, please see the feedback and discussion instructions. The accumulated feedback received so far on this issue is shown below, or you can look at a full page view.


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