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Monday, March 6
09:00-09:45 |
Asmus Freytag
ASMUS, Inc. |
Track 1:
Unicode 5.0 Tutorial: Part 1 -
Characters in Action
Part I of the Unicode 5.0 Tutorial is a uniquely accessible and
entertaining way of visualizing the core concepts of the Unicode
standard. In this part you will find answers to these questions: What
is a Unicode character and how are Unicode characters represented and
used in a modern computing environment? How are Unicode characters
entered into and displayed on a computer? How are Unicode characters
interchanged? What is the interaction between Unicode and rich text
(markup)? How do end-users experience Unicode? Throughout Part I, the
Unicode 5.0 Tutorial gives typical examples of how the Unicode
Standard interacts with the other elements of an internationalized
software architecture. With the help of concrete scenarios for the use
of Unicode characters you will become familiar with the role the
Unicode Standard plays and the benefits of supporting it. Part I of
the tutorial provides a concrete context to which the more systematic
and detailed treatment of the features of the Unicode Standard
presented in Part II and Part III can be related.
Addison Phillips
Internationalization Architect
Yahoo! |
Track 2:
An Introduction
What is internationalization? What do developers, product managers, or
quality engineers need to know about it? How does a software
development organization incorporate internationalization into the
design, implementation, and delivery of an application? This tutorial
provides an introduction to the topics of internationalization,
localization and globalization. Attendees will understand the overall
concepts and approach necessary to analyze a product for
internationalization issues, develop a design or approach, and deliver
a global-ready solution. The focus is on architectural approaches and
general concepts, but will include specific examples and exercises.
Some of the topics covered will include: character encodings and
Unicode; processing text in different languages; preparing for the
localization (translation) of user interfaces; making applications
"locale-aware", including format and display differences; as
well as approaches to delivering multi-lingual and multi-locale
software or content. |
Tex Texin
Internationalization Architect
Track 3: Web Internationalization - Standards
and Best Practices
This tutorial is an introduction to
internationalization on the World Wide Web. The audience will learn
about the standards that provide for global interoperability and come
away with an understanding of how to work with multilingual data on
the Web. Character representation and the Unicode-based Reference
Processing Model are described in detail. HTML, XHTML, XML (eXtensible
Markup Language; for general markup), and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets;
for styling information) are given particular emphasis. The tutorial
addresses language identification and selection, character encoding
models and negotiation, text presentation features, and more. The
design and implementation of multilingual Web sites and localization
considerations are also introduced.
10:30-10:45 |
Refreshments |
09:45 – 12:15 |
Richard Ishida
Internationalization Activity Lead
W3C |
Track 1: An Introduction to Writing Systems &
The tutorial will provide you with a good understanding of the many
unique characteristics of non-Latin writing systems, and illustrate
the problems involved in implementing such scripts in products. It
does not provide detailed coding advice, but does provide the
essential background information you need to understand the
fundamental issues related to Unicode deployment, across a wide range
of scripts. It has also proved to be an excellent orientation for
newcomers to the conference, providing the background needed to assist
understanding of the other talks! The tutorial goes beyond encoding
issues to discuss characteristics related to input of ideographs,
combining characters, context-dependent shape variation, text
direction, vowel signs, ligatures, punctuation, wrapping and editing,
font issues, sorting and indexing, keyboards, and more. The concepts
are introduced through the use of examples from Chinese, Japanese,
Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, Hindi/Tamil, Russian and Greek. While
the tutorial is perfectly accessible to beginners, it has also
attracted very good reviews from people at an intermediate and
advanced level, due to the breadth of scripts discussed. No prior
knowledge is needed. |
Track 2 - Internationalization: An Introduction
(Cont’d) |
Track 3 -
Web Internationalization - Standards and
Best Practices (Cont’d) |
12:30-13:15 |
13:30-15:00 |
Session 1
Asmus Freytag
ASMUS, Inc. |
Track 1 - Unicode 5.0 Tutorial:
Part 2 - Fundamental Specifications
Part II of the Unicode 5.0 Tutorial builds on the concepts introduced
in Part I and systematically presents the details of fundamental
specifications that are part of the Unicode Standard. Topics include:
organization of the Unicode code space; principles used to allocate
and unify characters; encoding forms including definition of UTF-8,
UTF-16, UTF-32 and when to use each; how to use byte order mark;
combining characters and equivalent code sequences equivalent; format
characters and other special characters and code points; organization
of the Unicode Standard. Part II of the Unicode tutorial is
recommended for anyone interested in a systematic overview of the key
aspects of the standard. Detailed technical or programming experience
is not required. |
Sr. Software EngineerApple Computer, Inc. |
Track 2 - The Dao of Unihan
Over half of the characters in the Unicode Standard are ideographs.
This ideographic repertoire, termed Unihan, is intended to provide
complete coverage for all the characters in current or past use in all
varieties of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese. In this talk,
we will give an overview of the structure of the current repertoire of
Unihan and its organization. We will discuss some practical
implementation issues and how to deal with them. We will also provide
an overview of the Unihan database. This is a large body of normative
and informative data which is maintained by the Unicode Consortium and
included among the data files which are a part of each release of the
standard. We will discuss the nature of the data in the database and
how it can be used. |
Frank Yung-Fong Tang
Software Engineer
Felix Sasaki Internationalization Activity Member
Liam Quin
XML Activity Lead
W3C |
Track 3 - Internationalization Features in
XQuery and XSLT
In recent years, the W3C has worked on 17 (!) documents which deal
with the XML query language "XQuery" and the transformation
language for XML documents "XSLT 2.0", henceforth noted as
"QT". The newest QT working drafts include several features
for Unicode processing and for general software internationalization.
This tutorial discusses the use of QT technology in the context of
global (Web) application development. Since XQuery is built on top of
the features available in XPath, this tutorial will start with an
introduction to XPath 2.0. We will introduce the basics of
XQuery to the audience by showing how to use the FLWOR expression to
query on an XML document. We then focus our discussion on the Regular
Expression and Collation facility in XPath/XQuery. We will also
briefly describe some current work and issues in the research of
developing XQuery Full Text Extension. XSLT 2.0 is - like XQuery 1.0 -
based on XPath 2.0. We will describe the common properties of XSLT 2.0
and XQuery 1.0, focusing on XML Schema datatypes, in specific the
types for dates and time zones. XSLT-specific features for
internationalization will also be covered. |
15:00-15:15 |
Refreshments |
15:15-17:00 |
Session 2
Asmus Freytag
Track 1 - Unicode 5.0 Tutorial: Part 3 - Unicode
The Unicode Standard and related specifications by the Unicode
Consortium specify a number of algorithms. The specification of these
algorithms in the Unicode Standard depends on the Unicode Character
Properties. Part III of the Unicode 5.0 Tutorial surveys the
algorithms specified in the Unicode Standard, and extends the
discussion of Unicode character properties as they relate to each
algorithm. Part III covers many general aspects of Unicode algorithms:
Unicode Algorithm and the difference between an abstract algorithm
from an actual implementation; relation between algorithms and Unicode
Character Properties; techniques to access character properties.
Several algorithms are discussed in more detail for example: Unicode
Normalization and the requirements it addresses, including a
discussion of the Unicode Normalization forms NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD,
their interaction with the Web and what programmers need to know in
applying normalization; the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm, and its
interaction with text layout; text boundary determination and
character foldings and much more. Part III of the Unicode 5.0 Tutorial
is more detailed and will touch on the description of algorithms and
other material that may require some familiarity with technical
concepts. |
Track 2 - The Dao of Unihan (Cont’d) |
Steven R. Loomis
Software Engineer
IBM Corp.
Vladimir Weinstein
Software Engineer
IBM Corp. |
3 - Advanced ICU Topics
ICU is a mature, widely used set of C/C++ and Java libraries for
Unicode support and software internationalization and globalization
(i18n/g11n). It grew out of the JDK 1.1 internationalization APIs
(which the ICU team contributed) and continues to be developed for the
most advanced Unicode/i18n support. ICU is widely portable and gives
applications the same results on all platforms and between C/C++ and
Java software. This tutorial walks the audience through the core
concepts of using the ICU library, providing an introduction to setup
and use of ICU in practice. The concepts are presented via a concrete
internationalization task, illustrating the use of ICU for character
conversion, collation, message formatting and text boundary analysis.
The tutorial will walk through code snippets to solve this task,
followed by demonstration applications and discussion of core features
and conventions, advanced techniques and how to obtain further
information. |
17:00 -18:00 |
Session 3 |
Asmus Freytag
ASMUS, Inc. |
Track 1 - Unicode 5.0 Tutorial: Part 3 - Unicode
Algorithms (Cont’d) |
Thomas Milo
Director, DecoType,
The Netherlands |
2 - Abridged Arabic Tutorial
This new tutorial is completely redesigned to provide a global
conceptual framework, while at the same time serving as an
introduction for the uninitiated. It will cover the structure of
Arabic script; historical origin; graphic assimilation; horizontal and
vertical connections; the calligraphic dimension; script analysis
& synthesis; font technology; graphemes, transcription &
transliteration; what to encode; ambiguous letters and codes; code
page legacy; compatibility; standard vs. qur'anic orthography;
ambiguity in character ordering; and types of line-breaking.
19:30 -21:00 |
Addison Phillips
Internationalization Architect
Yahoo! |
Track 1
- Language and Locale Identifiers
This BOF session allows participants interested in language
identifiers ("language tags") and locale identifiers to
discuss the latest issues involved, including: RFC 3066 and its
successor; the differences between locale and language identifiers;
and best practices for these identifiers. |
BOF Leader TBA |
Track 2
- Unicode Committee
This BOF session gives participants the opportunity to meet some
of the members of the Unicode technical committees, to find our more
about how they work and what issues they face. The Unicode Technical
Committee is the committee responsible for the Unicode Standard, and
related software globalization standards and documents; the CLDR
Technical Committee is responsible for locale data, and related
localization standards and documents. |
Erkki I. Kolehmainen
Coordinator, Cultural Diversity Issues in ICT Research Institute
for the Languages of Finland (RILF) |
Track 3
- Design Principles for A Regional, Multilingual Keyboard
How to provide an open-ended, international "Unicode"
keyboard layout for a maximum repertoire with a minimum number of
pre-allocations, yet tailored for the particular region. |
Tuesday, March 7
09:00-09:15 |
Mark Davis
- President, Unicode Consortium |
09:15-10:00 |
Tuoc Luong, Executive
Vice President, Engineering & Technology, Ask Jeeves, Inc.
Going Global with a Search Engine
Taking a web service global is best done from the beginning.
However, often is the case that software service is designed adn
implemented for the United States first then re-designed later
for other languages and markets worldwide. This is the case with
the Ask Jeeves search service. This talk will touch on all
issues (both technical and non-technical) dealing with such a
re-design and move globally. Technical issues from language
identification, segmentation to geographical latency.
Non-technical issues from team dynamics, process in transition
to business decisions. The talk will give the audience a good
flavor of the issues involved in moving a highly scaleable
search engine internationally |
10:00-20:00 |
10:00-10:30 |
Morning Refreshments in Exhibit Area |
10:30-11:20 |
Doug Barbin
Director-Compliance Solutions
VeriSign, Inc. |
Track 1 - The goal of this session is to compare what is happening
online today to classic scams involving identify theft, fraud,
and corruption. Lessons that have been learned -- and those
which clearly have not -- will be discussed. What companies and
individuals are doing to protect themselves will be reviewed, as
well as what actions should be taken if digital fraud occurs.
Case studies will be presented. |
Murray Sargent III
Sr. Software Design Engineer
Microsoft Corporation |
Track 2 - Editing and Display of Mathematical Text using
This talk describes and demonstrates how Unicode's rich
mathematical character set combined with OpenType font
technology, TeX's mathematical typography principles, and
enhanced autocorrection can be used to produce high-quality,
streamlined technical text processing. |
Mark Davis
UNICODE Consortium
[ Top ] |
Track 3 - Latest News in Globalization
This presentation provides an update on the latest
developments in software globalization from the Unicode
Consortium, summarizing the most important changes in the
Unicode character encoding standard, related globalization
standards and specifications, the locale data repository (CLDR),
etc. It also describes important related developments from the
IETF, ICANN, the W3C, and others. |
111:30-12:20 |
Mark Davis
UNICODE Consortium
[ Top ] |
Track 1 - Unicode Security
Because Unicode contains such a large number of characters
and incorporates the varied writing systems of the world,
incorrect usage can expose programs or systems to possible
security attacks. This presentation describes some of the
security considerations that programmers, system analysts,
standards developers, and users should take into account, and
provides specific recommendations to reduce the risk of
problems. It also describes the mechanisms recommended by the
Unicode Consortium and others for dealing with these issues. |
Marc Durdin
Tavultesoft Pty Ltd
[ Top ] |
Track 2 - Keyman: A New Way of Thinking about Keyboard
Despite advances in every area of computing, the keyboard has
changed little since the typewriter. Existing solutions for
multilingual input have tended to use simple key mapping, with
nonintuitive dead keys and complex modifier key combinations. In
order to have ideal text input, keyboard input methods need to
provide validation, reordering and Unicode normalisation. Keyman
is a tool which makes this possible through a contextual input
mechanism. Contextual input also allows both logical and
physical ordering of input, regardless of the underlying storage
order, and phonetic or alternate script input. |
Addison Phillips
Internationalization Architect
[ Top ] |
Track 3 - Language Tags and Locale Identifiers
The recently approved RFC 3066bis updates the most common
standard for language identification. These changes allow for a
more regular, structured set of tags. Understanding these
changes is the key to realizing their potential and implementing
solutions that use them. Language tags and related work on
locale identifiers are being used to address
internationalization issues ranging from common locale data (CLDR)
to Web services internationalization. New standards and
specifications are being developed that affect developers and
content authors alike. This presentation, from one of the
authors of RFC 3066bis, will explore the new tags, their use in
various applications, and their relationship to locale
identification. |
12:30-13:00 |
13:30-14:20 |
Tex Texin
Internationalization Architect
[ Top ] |
Track 1 - Unicode-enabling PHP
Up to now, PHP has provided only marginal multibyte and Unicode
support. This session discusses the project to add Unicode
support to PHP 5 including incorporation of the ICU library. The
changes to the PHP language, potential migration issues and
other aspects of the ongoing development will be provided. |
Russ Rolfe
Lead Program Manager
Microsoft Corporation
[ Top ] |
Track 2 - Windows Vista, An Ever Expanding View of
Windows Vista expands upon the foundation created in Windows
2000 and Windows to support users' Internationalization needs.
In this presentation, we will introduce the newly supported
locales, user input options and the extended font coverage. Then
we will show how the OS's localized User Interface will be
wholly supported with the Multilanguage User Interface (MUI)
technology introduced in Windows 2000 and improved in Windows
XP. Plus, we will discuss how Language Interface Packs (LIPs)
will be used to broaden the localized language coverage. Finally
the concept of custom cultures will be presented.
Felix Sasaki
Internationalization Activity Member
Richard Ishida
Internationalization Activity Lead
Top |
Track 3 - How to Express Information about
Internationalization and Localization in XML Documents and
This presentation describes a first proposal for the
Internationalization Tag Set (ITS), which has been developed by
the W3C i18n ITS Working Group. The purpose of ITS is
two-folded: First, ITS provides a set of XML elements and
attributes which can be used to express information about
internationalization and localization purposes. And second, ITS
defines mechanisms on how to express this information within an XML
document, a schema document or separately. This presentation
focuses on the latter aspect, giving examples from various types
of XML data. |
14:30-15:20 |
Naoto Sato
Member of Technical Staff
Sun Microsystems
Craig R. Cummings
Principal Software Engineer
Oracle CorporationTop |
Track 1 - New
Internationalization Features of the Java Platform -- Java SE 6
See what internationalization features are planned for the next
version of the Java Platform -- Java SE 6 (codename Mustang).
Highlighted in this session will be features such as pluggable
locale data, new Japanese calendar support, resource bundle
enhancements, and normalization. |
Marypat Meuli
Lead Program Manager
Microsoft Corporation
Top |
Track 2 - Microsoft Office 12 - Internationalization
In this presentation we will discuss Office 12’s broadened
support for worldwide users. Newly supported Office locales will
be discussed as well as the depth of locale support across
Office documents. The language neutral architecture for improved
multilingual support and deployment will also be covered. In
addition, we will give an overview of some of the new
international features in Office 12, including the Language
Reference ToolTip and the English Writing Assistant. We continue
to expand our work with Language Interface Packs, and will
highlight some of the new UI languages which will be supported
in Office 12. |
John Emmons
Globalization Architect
IBM Corp.
Top |
Track 3 - Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) Overview
Unicode's Common Locale Data Repository is a project whose
mission is to provide a general XML format for the exchange of
locale information for use in application and system development
and a repository of common locale data in that format. This
presentation will go into the details regarding exactly what
types of locale information are available in CLDR and how this
data is intended to be interpreted according to the Locale Data
Markup Language specification (Unicode Technical Report # 35).
Topics include a discussion of the various locale data types,
the locale inheritance model, locale aliasing, CLDR supplemental
data and metadata, and the POSIX locale generation tools. |
15:20-16:00 |
Refreshments in Exhibit Area |
16:00-16:50 |
Deborah Goldsmith
Senior Software Engineer
Apple Computer, Inc.Top |
Track 1 - International Features of Mac OS X
Mac OS X is a modern, robust, Unix-based operating system. This
session covers the international capabilities of Mac OS X
primarily from an end user perspective, with a particular
emphasis on new features in Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, the latest
version. Topics covered include supported languages, input
methods and keyboard layouts, locales, font technologies, and
user customization. Topics of interest to software developers
and language experts will also be considered.
Marin Millar
Globalization Manager
Microsoft CorporationTop |
Track 2 - Building Localized and Globalized Windows
Applications with Visual Studio 2005
This talk will cover how to use the features in the .NET
Framework 2.0 to build globalized and localizable Windows
applications. It will demonstrate new features such as Unicode
test processing, custom cultures, localization and Click Once
deployment with Visual Studio 2005. |
Mark Garrett
Support Developer
ModernGigabyte LLCTop
Track 3 - A Case Study in Web Internationalization: Using
the CLDR Online With PHP
This presentation is a case study of our small Web firm that has
transformed our flagship product, ModernBill, from an
English-centric product to an internationalized Unicode product.
It will include a discussion of the old program architecture and
how it hampered internationalization and localization. It will
continue with the process of assessing the different options for
making the software more locale aware, and the implementation of
our final solution. The session will end with the generalized
internationalization and localization principles we uncovered
and how they apply to other Web developers.
17:00-17:50 |
David Robinson Ienup Sung
Nicolas Williams
Sun Microsystems
Top |
Track 1 - File Systems, Unicode, and Normalization
When you try to retrofit existing file systems to support
multilingual file names in a predictable manner, you encounter
various issues that need to be resolved. This technical
presentation discusses the issues such as why Unicode has to be
the choice of the character set for the file systems, how the
traditional non-Unicode codesets should be supported, the role
of Unicode normalizations, what would be the performance
implication, how to deal with possible failure cases,
compatibility and inter-operability with other file systems and
protocols. Finally, we will also try to provide a comparison on
possible resolutions and outcomes.
Michel Suignard
Senior Program Manager
Microsoft CorporationTop |
Track 2 - IDN Support in Internet
Explorer 7
The talk briefly introduces the concept of International Domain
Name (IDN), its implementation in the Windows platform library
and in Internet Explorer IE7. It also shows how security
concerns about spoofing and phishing are addressed, using
mitigation strategies inspired from the Unicode Technical Report
TR36 (Unicode Security Considerations) and Technical Standard TS
39 (Unicode Security Mechanisms) that the speaker co-authored
with Mark Davis. |
Weiran Zhang
Development Manager
Oracle Corporation
Track 3 - Client-Tier Globalization - The New
This presentation discusses client-tier globalization challenges
and solutions based on a common deployment architecture using
J2EE application with open standard DHTML/JavaScript technology
as the front-end. We will examine how to leverage JavaScript and
Java technologies to build a complete client-side framework for
simplifying the development of rich Web clients to support
multiple languages and locales consistently across different
browsers. We will illustrate approaches to tackle client-side
internationalization issues including locale determination,
translation resource management, locale-sensitive data
processing, performance, and so on. Demonstrations and code
examples are included to showcase concepts and best practices.
18:00-20:00 |
Wednesday, March 8
09:00-09:45 |
Colonel Daniel L. Scott, Assistant Commandant,
Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
UNICODE as a "Unifying Force" in Language Education
In the aftermath of 9/11 and the subsequent Global War on
Terrorism, a new family of languages has taken center stage. No
longer are languages from the Cold War era, Russian, Czech, or
German filling the corridors of the Pentagon. No longer are
mainstays of the academic world – Spanish, French and Italian –
garnering much attention. In this modern world conflict, ironically,
it’s often the ancient languages that are emerging and important --
languages, which, until quite recently, have not been the recipients
of much attention. As a nation, we need to quickly educate and train
large numbers of linguists and cultural experts, and we need to use
our technology to help us do that. Unfortunately, most of these
ancient languages are not ready for prime time in terms of computer
support. Many languages are only available in one font face that may
or may not render the characters in a legible or correct form.
Screens often show a mishmash of partially rendered characters
interspersed with the telltale “squares of death.”
The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center mission is
to train a new generation of linguists in these languages. We don’t
have the luxury of time to do all this work in the classroom with
traditional textbooks—we need to reach our students using the new
technologies of the web and gaming communities. The DLIFLC has
created an abundance of emerging language materials ranging from
printed Language Survival Guides to fully interactive, web-based
language training delivered on CDs and across the Internet.
Regardless of the medium of delivery, the DLI seeks solutions that
will allow seamless portability from one operating system or
application to another. This is absolutely crucial in meeting the
nation’s growing demands for language materials. By establishing and
strictly adhering to internal policies regarding the use of UNICODE
fonts, DLI can export critical materials throughout the country with
total confidence that they function as desired.
More importantly, a successful technical convention such as
UNICODE brings about change that is non-technical. UNICODE will help
us transform language training by streamlining curriculum,
implementing web-based testing, conducting on-line classes, and
fielding self-paced study and reference materials for linguists at
all proficiency levels and anywhere in the world. Linguists can use
these references from their offices, their homes, and from their
palm pilot at a checkpoint. In this sense, UNICODE becomes a
“unifying force” for language education and support. We support and
applaud the efforts of the UNICODE community to lead the way. |
09:45-10:00 |
Morning Refreshments |
10:00-10:50 |
Mark Davis
UNICODE Consortium
Track 1 - Globalization Gotchas:
What to Watch Out For
This presentation covers the main pitfalls that all programmers
should be aware of, so that they can avoid stumbling into them
when developing globalized (internationalized) software products.
It covers core areas of Unicode, but also such areas as character
conversion, text comparison (sorting/matching), locales, date/time
formatting, and many others. |
Debbie Anderson
UC BerkeleyTop
Track 2 -
Panel: Unicode and Academia (
continued )
This panel is composed of speakers representing the various
Unicode-related projects being done in academia today. The goal of
the session is to inform audience members of ongoing work (and
challenges faced), and to encourage partnerships between the
academic world and Unicode encoders, implementers, and developers so
the task of "finishing the job" of encoding the scripts of the world
and making Unicode "work" are realized.
Prof. Johannes Bergerhausen,
University of Applied Sciences Mainz
Charles Riley, Sterling Memorial
Library, Yale University
Richard Cook, Dept. of
Linguistics, UC Berkeley
John Hudson, Society of
Biblical Literature / Tiro Typeworks |
Andrew Heninger
Senior Software Engineer
IBM Corp.
Track 3 - Unicode Processing with
Regular Expressions
This presentation will review the issues and techniques involved
in writing Regular Expressions for Unicode data. The guidelines
from Unicode Technical Report #18 will be reviewed, including a
discussion of Unicode encoding forms, character properties and
classes, text boundaries, case sensitivity and normalization, and
the implications of all of these for handling different languages
in regular expressions. The presentation will also survey the
capabilities and limitations of those regular expression
implementations known to provide significant support for Unicode. |
11:00-11:50 |
Scott Atwood
Staff Software Engineer
June Wang
Engineering Manager
1 - Migrating PayPal to Unicode: A Case Study
PayPal, with 80 million registered users, is a high volume website
that processes millions of financial transactions every day. In 2003
PayPal was only localized for the United States and the United
Kingdom and used US-ASCII from the browser all the way to the DB. In
2004 PayPal embarked on an ambitious project to completely revise
all string handling to use Unicode end-to-end without disrupting
PayPal's business or its terabytes of existing data. This case study
will discuss that project from inception to completion, exploring
the challenges we faced, the choices we made both good and bad, as
well as the final outcomes. A testament to success of the project is
that nobody noticed we did it. |
Debbie Anderson
UC Berkeley |
Track 2 - Panel: Unicode and
Academia (Continued)
Prof. Johannes Bergerhausen,
University of Applied Sciences Mainz
Charles Riley, Sterling Memorial
Library, Yale University
Richard Cook, Dept. of
Linguistics, UC Berkeley
John Hudson, Society of
Biblical Literature / Tiro Typeworks |
Michael Kaplan
Technical Lead
Microsoft Corporation
Track 3 - Sorting It All Out:
An Introduction to Collation
In a properly globalized product, users will have properly
collated data-e.g., in the file system, in a database, in an
e-mail address book. How should implementers go about ensuring
culturally-correct collation in a product? What are the basic
linguistic issues of collation, and how do they manifest
themselves in technology? This presentation will explain the basic
tenets of collation in language, debunk some myths about collation
in globalized software, show how collation functions are used
(using examples from the Win32 API), and touch upon best
practices. |
12:00-13:00 |
13:00-13:455 |
- Charles Bigelow, Vice President, Bigelow & Holmes Inc.
The Effect of Unicode on Type Design
The widespread adoption of Unicode has affected type design in
ways that were neither anticipated nor intended, but which may
become even more significant in the future. The main factor is the
creation of large fonts ("large" in the sense of many
characters) which incorporate characters for several
orthographies, scripts, and symbols. A second factor is the
structure of the Unicode Standard, organized by named blocks of
orthographies, scripts, and symbols. A third factor is conflict
between Unicode's definitional distinction of glyphs from
characters, and the naive user's "common sense" view
that the glyphs depicted in the Unicode manual are in fact the
characters. Finally, there are legibility factors, user-interface
issues, and security problems that arise when different characters
are represented by glyphs, or combinations of glyphs, that appear
similar or identical in some circumstances, especially on display
screens at small sizes and low resolutions. This talk will be
illustrated by examples of glyphs and fonts from a variety of
typefaces, ranging from Herman Zapf's Euler fonts for mathematics,
to Arial Unicode and Lucida Grande and other "global"
fonts, as they are sometimes termed, as well as scripts from Latin
to Arabic to Kanji. The discussion will occasionally use terms and
notions borrowed from linguistics - such such as analogy,
phonemics, graphemics, grapholects, etc. - to explain and analyze
the various factors. |
14:00-14:50 |
Peter Linsley
Sr. International Product Manager
Ask JeevesTop
Track 1 - Challenges of Searching
the Global Internet
Global Search Engines work hard to deliver on the simple promise
to take your keywords, sift through several billion documents and
come up with a small handful most likely to answer your query. And
all this within a few milliseconds. With a focus on language,
character set, and cultural issues, the presentation will cover
some key challenges in crawling, indexing and making documents of
the world searchable. |
Markus Scherer
ICU Team Manager/
Software Engineer
IBM Corp.
Track 2 - ICU Overview: The
Open-Source Unicode Library
ICU is the premier Unicode-enablement software library, providing
a full range of services for supporting internationalization -
especially in server environments. ICU is principally developed by
IBM, and used in IBM products, but is also freely available as
open-source. It provides cross-platform C, C++ and Java APIs,
with a thread-safe programming model. The ICU project is licensed
under the X License, which is compatible with GPL but non-viral;
it can be freely incorporated into any product. This presentation
will provide an overview of ICU, with special emphasis on new
features scheduled for the ICU 3.6 release (2006 Q2), including
new tools that significantly simplify modularization and
installation. |
Michael Kaplan
Technical Lead
Microsoft CorporationTop
Track 3 - Tales of Incorrect String
Over the last few years, awareness of the internationalization
support in Windows and the .NET Framework has dramatically
increased. Unfortunately, so has unintentional misuse of the available
collation and casing features that each platform provides. This
talk will give the best practices as told by showing the
consequences of doing it wrong. All names will be changed to
protect the guilty (or the embarrassed!), but you'll leave this
presentation knowing the best way to make use of the collation and
casing support in both Windows and the .NET Framework. |
14:50-15:10 |
Afternoon Refreshments |
15:10-16:00 |
Pavol Zavarsky
Wunna Ko Ko Yoshiki Mikami
Yew Choong Chew
Nagaoka University of Technology
Tatsuo Kobayashi
Scholex Co., LtdTop
Track 1 - Unicode Spreading on the
Web: A Case of Asian Domains
In the paper we present some results from our ''Language
Observatory" project. Language Observatory surveys digital
language activities on the Internet. The scalable fully-distributed
Web crawler developed by our research collaborators
allows us to collect, parse and extract meta information from more
than 15 million Web pages every day. This paper demonstrates
clearly that the Web pages development community in South and
South East Asia has been moving fast towards the use of the
Unicode standard. The paper shows the trends in spreading of
Unicode encoding of languages to the Indian subcontinent and other
parts of Asia. |
John Emmons
Globalization Architect
IBM Corp.
Track 2 - Migrating C Language
Applications to Unicode
In the real world, there are many applications that were written
"before the enlightened era of Unicode" and need quite
a bit of enhancement to bring them up to present day best
practices regarding use of Unicode and globalization in general.
This presentation will discuss the challenges that system
designers and architects face when migrating a legacy C language
application to use the Unicode Standard, and will offer practical
suggestions on the types of tools available to programmers to make
this transition. |
Eric Mader
Andrew Heninger
Senior Software Engineer
IBM Corp.
Track 3 - Character Encoding
Charset detection allows text data in an unknown encoding to be
read and understood. Charset detection is commonly used in Web
browsers to correctly display pages even when the author neglected
to include a charset declaration. This presentation will discuss
the nature of charset detection and the situations where it can be
used. An overview of current techniques will be presented. The
latest release of the ICU Unicode support library includes a new charset detection service. The approaches used and results
obtained by ICU will be described. |
16:10-17:00 |
John O'Neil
Language Technology Architect
Thomas Emerson
Senior Software Architect
Basis TechnologyTop
Track 1 - Large Corpus Construction
for Chinese Lexicon Development
The World Wide Web provides an important source of natural
language data in many languages. However, it doesn't include
annotation about linguistic structure, so it's necessary to use
very large corpora to infer it. We developed a system for
continuous, automatic acquisition of a Chinese lexicon. An
up-to-date lexicon is needed for many applications, but Chinese is
written without spaces between words, so determining word
boundaries is the primary problem. We discuss our experience with
using the Chinese Web for lexicon construction, focusing on both
low-level details and problems we experienced during our initial
proof-of-concept experiments, and on algorithmic issues. |
Doug Felt
Technical Lead -
ICU for Java
IBM Corp.
Track 2 - ICU in Eclipse
ICU is being made available in Eclipse through the introduction of
the com.ibm.icu plugin that provides access to the ICU4J jar.
ICU's globalization enhancements and support for CLDR resource
data greatly enhances the locale support available to developers.
The Eclipse development platform itself will make use of the
plugin to enhance its UI. This paper will discuss the features
that ICU provides to all developers, and will also describe how
Eclipse was modified to use them. |
Raghuram Viswanadha
ICU Team
IBM Corp.
Track 3 - StringPrep: Unicode in
Network Protocols
Network protocols require consistent comparison of strings. The
StringPrep framework (RFC 3454) facilitates this function. It
provides sets of rules that can be applied to strings to prepare
them for use in any protocol or program. Each system sets up a
profile of StringPrep by selecting a set of rules. Important
profiles such as NamePrep, NFS, ResourcePrep, NodePrep are
explained. The usage of StringPrep and IDNA frameworks is
illustrated by implementation in International Components for
Unicode (ICU). |
Program is subject to change.